Chapter 5

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No one's POV:

"Quite frankly, I don't care." The Devil spat monotonously. His words were like venom piercing into his advisor's soul.

Jeongguk stared down at his advisor from his throne whilst the advisor was standing at the very bottom of the few steps that led to the throne.

His chief advisor, Min Yoongi gave the King a bored glare. Chief Minister Min was the only Demon remotely near the Devil's age.

He has known the King of Hell for longer than anyone else and while you couldn't really call them friends because, 'the king of Hell doesn't do friends.'

They were the closest thing that each other had and that made them close. They bonded over their extreme hatred for Heaven and those pesky Archangels who sit so high and mighty while everyone else suffers.

Those damn Archangels, letting innocent people suffer for no real reason. Punishing poor and undeserving Angels that have done nothing wrong.

Banishing them from all they have ever known, only to become a brain-dead Demon of Hell.

Some would argue that what happened to Minister Min was way worse than what happened to the Devil.

However, no physical pain would ever be equal to what the King went through. Advisor Min's pain was purely emotional.

The Archangels were savages when it came to love and that's exactly what the poor advisor had taken away from him.

"I can't dictate to you what you can and can't do sire however, I will say this. . . the Angel can't survive for much longer, it is weak and- well if what we think is true is in fact true you must save it." Advisor Min had always had a way with words and he often gave the king very subtle advice that wasn't necessarily noticed to be advice by the king.

Minister Min was extremely sneaky but it was for the better. The King listened to no one and that made the everyday running of Hell extremely difficult.

Though, the king's hatred was understandable, considering one of the only requirements Heaven had for him was to have a council.

The members had to include some of the oldest Demons and among the highest, like minister Min, were to be told the truth about all of the realms. The main one being that Demons and actually turned Angels.

The council are a pain in the king's arse, he had to have them but he didn't want to deal with them. Most were dimwits and often thought themselves above the king because of their sudden social climb.

Jeongguk despised being told what to do and so Minister Min was very careful in how he worded things. He definitely didn't want to upset the King.

That means- well. . .  death

It has happened before to other people on the council, they had too much of an opinion and the king was having none of it.

Many were tortured and beheaded shortly after their 'advice' had been spoken and all of the torturing was carried out personally by the king himself.

It was fun. . . it is fun for the king. Seeing others in pain was pleasurable to him.

The king hummed and then spoke, "I see but I must test the Angel. I must make sure that what we think is absolutely correct. I can not make a mistake, not on this."

"That is very wise sir, now if you'll excuse me." Minister Min said carefully as the king waved his slightly pale hand in dismissal.

The king was growing weak but he wouldn't give up and death was something very rare among such powerful entities such as the Devil. He had to hold on for as long as possible. He had to investigate.

The Angel was strange. A peculiar being indeed. Jeongguk knew something was off about the Angel from their very first meeting.

The strange pain in his heart. The way he felt sympathy. The slight shaking.

The king of Hell. . . one of the most powerful beings in all the realms had things taken away from him to make him an original Demon.

Things like emotion and pain were gone to make room for pure evil, in the forms of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.

Or in other words, the seven deadly sins. The Devil is all of these parts of evil combined. He encompasses all things associated with sin, blasphemy and immoral thoughts and actions.

The king of Hell, with the help of his Demons, influences mortals to pick the wrong path in life. To choose evil.

While in Heaven, the Angel's and Archangel's main jobs are to influence the mortals to choose the right path in life. To choose good.

The king had a dilemma. He needed this Angel, for power and his own gain. He needed the Angel so he himself could not grow weak.

He needed the Angel alive.

Sure, the king of Hell had spared Angels before but there was always some sort of turning process.

If the Devil, for example, wanted to keep the Angel's angelic memories alive then during the turning process he would put those memories / part of the Angel under his temporary protection. This means that while the Angel would turn into a Demon fully, they would remember their angelic life.

He had done that before, with Minister Min and Minister Park but that just couldn't apply with the Angel.

The king couldn't harm the Angel because he would indirectly harm himself through it.

The King was weak now because the Angel has been in the dungeon for almost one week.

Away from the light for one week.

This made the Angel weak which, in turn, made the king weak.

The problem was, what should the king do. Save it? Let it die?

But letting the thing die would mean that the King would lose a substantial amount of his power.

And well, Jeongguk would never, ever let go of his power.

But to let the thing live? Surely not. That- that's just wrong. The most powerful being in Hell letting one of the weakest Angels live, what would the council and his people think.

That's why he sent Minister Park, to find out as much as possible about the Angel. He had to work out what was different about the Angel and fast.

However, the king was at an impasse. He needed time. Time to think. Time to come up with solutions and it was all because of two things.

A weak goddamn Angel and a stupid bond that should never have existed in the first place.

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