He adjusted his sitting and made her face him. "Look Nooria, there's nothing to worry about, okay? We can fix it without breaking the marriage of just a week. We're not selfish, we did what we have to with reasons. You see my late brother Omar did everything for me since when our parents died, he was the reason I'm what I am today, I didn't do anything to pay him back, that happened to be the only thing he asked from me, what will my name be if I don't do it honey?

And again, we're not only fulfilling Omar's wish, we are fixing Muslim's heart and emotional sense..." He was saying when he halted to listen to his wife interruption.

"Yes. Muslim's heart is getting fixed but my daughter is dying Usman. If she dies, Muslim's heart will shatter again, he'll be back to what he was. Right now all I care for is my daughter's well-being and happiness, I don't care about anything else. We are ending this marriage...for the better." Nooria said after wiping her tears.

"We are not going to do such. There must be another way. Let's think Noor."

"Think what? We are not thinking anything, Muslim will divorce Jasmine, we will apologize to Sadeeq and they'll get married." She stormed with finality in her voice as Sa'eeda appeared, she heard high voices so she went to see.

"Mummy!" She called.

"Don't say anything, get out. And you Usman, this is Jasmine's life, she'll decide what she wants." She said and left with a flounce, she slammed the door behind her and was breathing heavily. Maternal instincts.

"Daddy..." Sa'eeda tried speaking to him.

"I want to be alone Sa'eeda." He said, he really wanted to think of a solution.

She feebly walked out of the room in defeat and fear of what might happen.


He sat on a chair and drew it close to her bed, he was lost looking at her innocent face, she looked beautiful sleeping peacefully, he watched her slow heartbeats on the heart monitor, he felt he was dying each second he heard the sound of the machine beeping. But then why?

Could it be that he was already loving her? Heck no! He wouldn't do that to Khayr, he had promised her, Jasmine is just a sister and nothing more. But who knows whether he would, sooner or later?

He didn't eat anything after the meat pie he ate at office before noon, hardly had he ate half of it, he didn't even pay heed to his growling stomach, all he wanted was for her to regain consciousness and be fine. Perfectly fine.

Time seemed to be moving slower than he had ever experienced, he looked up from his slumber to look at the clock hoping to see maybe 5 in the morning but it was just 1:45 am. What the heck! So all this while, he only slept for not up to 25 minutes, that's good! All thanks to Jasmine.

He couldn't sleep anymore, all he wanted was Jasmine to wake up, he didn't want the family to think he was responsible most especially his Hajiya. He was engrossed in his own thoughts when he felt his hand yanked away and a hiss passed Jasmine's lips. So he held her hand, he didn't even know.

She squinted her eyes due to the dazzling light to take in the surrounding, oh, she was on hospital bed, she could only remember the world spinning and that her legs were wobble before darkness embraced her and now hospital with this monster holding her hand, acting like he care. She saw how relieved he was when their eyes contacted and it annoyed her. She tried adjusting to sitting position but decided not to because of the way her head was throbbing.

"Hey don't." Muslim said when she had tried sitting and that earned him a glare before she asked, "for how long have I been here?" In a low hoarse voice, he couldn't believe why her voice sounded like that, when did she cry?

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