જ Tethered Destinies જ ☾Michael☽

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Book: Tethered Destinies
Author: MiniMoxx
Reviewer: s-starryknight


Title: It fits your story so nicely! It gives the reader a sense of intensity which is something I love finding in stories

Cover: It looks so nice! I don't really have any criticisms of it!

Blurb: It sets up your story cleanly and tightly, it presents itself in a mysterious yet still informative manner, it draws readers in well.

Plot: I think this whole concept is really clever

Characters: Your character writing is practically flawless, everyone in this story has clear motives, backstories, I cannot find a single flaw

Flow of story: The story flows very smoothly usually the use of two perspectives breaks up the flow however I think you executed it really well!

Grammar: I could not find any flaws with this, my holden rule as a writer is to edit and I really think you have made sure that everything is finessed

Writing Style: I find your writing style captivating and yet it doesn't overwhelm the reader, I find the fact you wrote Amelia's perspective in first person but Josh's in third person interesting however I don't think that's a bad thing! Some chapters do feel a little drawn out however, I would try reading through the story as a reader to make sure everything follows correctly, that is all!

Enjoyment: I enjoyed reading this so much you have done a great job at portraying a very interesting story!

Conclusion: I found this book very good! My only critique is to just make sure the writing is in favour of the reader, but other than that literally everything is great! Thank you!

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