જ Love At Dawn જ ☾Priyu☽

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Book name: Love at Dawn

Author: LiebeKlara

Reviewer: emotionheartless

Title: 9.5/10

The title is exciting and good to go.

Cover: 13.5/15

The cover was good and relevant to the story.

Content: 39.5/40 (grammar and punctuation, content creativity, plot, originality)

This story made me drown in some other world of romance and fantasy and I really appreciate the author; she was excellently capable of gaining active engagement from his/her readers.

Writing skills: 20/20

She is a good narrative, art piece builder .. she can excel and reach up to heights.

Overall enjoyment:15/15

I really enjoyed reading this... I would prefer readers to try this once.

Total marks: 97.5/100

Have a good day ❤️!

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