જ Flickers of Mosaic જ ☾Mika☽

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Book: Flickers of Mosaic
Author: TessaYoung5
Reviewer: TemikaSingh

Book: Flickers of MosaicAuthor: TessaYoung5 Reviewer: TemikaSingh

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Apologies for finishing this review so late. I understand that as this is my first review it hasn't really been a good impression to pull such a move. This isn't an excuse, but my exam schedule wasn't as kind to me as I hoped it would be.


Cover: 15/15
This has to be one of the most gorgeous covers I've come across. The colour of the background suits the storyline perfectly and fits with the title in white italics. Although if a reader had to really analyse this cover, the hand placement specifically, one could almost say that it looks like a hand reaching out for help. This is ironic as our main character, Michelle, does exactly this in her own way. Her cries for help were silenced and buried. As the story progresses though, the flowers we see on the cover, come to light more and more as her love interest makes his way slowly into her heart. He and the friend's that she makes along the way in university.

Title: 10/10
It has a mysterious vibe to it, making the reader really engaged and wanting to find out more about the story.

Synopsis: 15/15
As a fellow author, I have to applaud this writer for using metaphors that other readers and writers can relate to. The constant compassion of the character talking about her life and how her "author" isn't allowing things to go her way, is touching in a way. The sudden pace change when the character talks about how she now has someone by her side, gives the reader hope that there is always light at the end. No matter how hard things are. And we see this in this beautiful yet broken character portrayed as Michelle.

Punctuation: 5/10
While this story has an amazing plot, there were constant punctuation errors that made me put my phone down in order to process what was happening. Please note that incorrect use of punctuation, such as a misplaced comma, could change the entire meaning of a sentence. That's exactly what I've encountered throughout this story and many more punctuation errors. Please have this fixed.

Grammar: 5/15
The same goes for Grammar and spelling. It took a few moments to understand or make sense of a sentence because of incorrect spelling or the sentence just not making any sense. This discourages a reader and will put them off from the book.

Writing skills/pace of story: 5/10
There are certain chapters where the writer has the memory from the characters' past and then goes on with the story. A suggestion would be to put the memory in italics or a different font, whichever is preferred. This helps lessen the confusion for readers as it's hard to know when we are reading about the past until it's too late.

The pace of this story was okayish. The memories were at a perfect pace, it kept the suspension flowing. Although the moments between Hayden and Michelle were fast-paced. You could add little moments to show how they were both feeling. Like the day he offered her a ride on his motorcycle.

Overall enjoyment: 12/15
Punctuation errors aside, I absolutely enjoyed this story. It showcased just how real a person's insecurities are. It talked about depression, which is such a common factor these days yet is not talked about enough. I think many people can relate to our MC. She portrays the modern young adult and the hardships they go through. A+ to the author for adding this detail to the story


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