જ Ethereal જ ☾Wisely☽

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Book Name:- Ethereal


Reviewer:- WisnolWeasley

The Title:- The title of the book holds a profound literal meaning, portraying something ethereal and astonishingly weightless. This essence resonates throughout each poem composed by the writer, showcasing a delicate beauty that becomes palpable once the reader truly connects with the verses. The sheer intricacy and fragility of the poems are striking, leaving an indelible impression on those who delve into their depths. In the grand scheme of a book, the title is often judged by how harmoniously it aligns with the overall plot. In this case, after immersing oneself in the collection of poems, it becomes apparent that the title is a perfect match, encapsulating the essence and magnificence of the verses contained within.


The Cover:- Poetry indeed occupies a distinct realm within the vast landscape of literature, making it a challenge to select a cover that truly captures its profound essence. However, the choice of a space-themed setting with mist effects in this particular book creates an enigmatic and alluring image that sets the tone for what readers can anticipate from the collection of poems. The depiction of particles suspended in the depths of space serves as a metaphor for the writer's ability to carve out their own unique niche within the realm of poetry, leaving an indelible impression on the reader's mind. The cover conveys a sense of mystery, while also hinting at the writer's creative prowess and their mark on the genre of poetry.


The Blurb:-According to personal preference, it is suggested that the blurb could have been extended and made more descriptive. One idea is to commence the story with profound quotes that relate to the book's theme, or to include enticing snippets of the finest lines from select poems within the collection. Such additions would help build an air of mystery and intrigue around the book. However, it is important to acknowledge that the composition of verses rests solely in the hands of the writer, rather than the reviewer. Ultimately, it is the writer's prerogative to decide whether any changes or modifications are necessary or desired.


Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary:- You can't make a swine look beautiful just by applying makeup to it. Indeed, regardless of the inherent quality of a book, if it lacks proper grammar and effective use of descriptive words in crucial areas, it may fall short of its potential. However, in the case of this particular art piece, I found the writer's command of grammar and vocabulary to be exemplary, meticulously honed to the minutest detail. The careful handling and precision of punctuation throughout the book reflect the writer's dedication to presenting their poetry, and any artistic creation, in a manner that truly resonates.

That being said, it is worth noting that the impact of the poems could potentially have been enhanced had they been spaced more evenly. Proper spacing can contribute to the overall flow and presentation of the poems, allowing readers to fully absorb and appreciate the weight and beauty of each verse.


Language and The Rhyme Schemes:- Lesser use of the archaic words and more importance given to the reader's likings is the key for any book of poetry to be successful. The writer's remarkable ability to encapsulate their emotions using simple, concise, yet impactful language is truly commendable. Crafting rhymes and employing blank verses in appropriate places is a challenging task for any poet, and it appears that the writer excels in this aspect.

It is understandable that not all the titles given by the writer to their poems may have fully resonated with you at this point. Sometimes, the true essence and meaning of titles may take time to sink in and be fully comprehended. However, it is worth acknowledging that each poem within the collection stands as a unique piece of art, possessing its own distinct qualities and contributions to the overall body of work.


Emotions conveyed:-Indeed, the true measure of a piece of art lies in its ability to connect with the reader. In the case of 'The Ethereal' and its writer, it is evident that they have accomplished a remarkable feat by forging a connection with readers through the exploration of new messages embedded within each poem. The ability to evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and invite personal interpretations from readers is a testament to the writer's skill and the impact of their work. It is clear that they have succeeded in their endeavour, and their achievement is deserving of praise. Well done, indeed.


Overall:-Robert Frost's poignant statement about poetry beautifully captures its essence: the moment when an emotion finds its thought, and that thought finds its expression in words. It is remarkable that you experienced that very phenomenon when revisiting this piece of art. The ability of the book to fill the void in a broken reader's mind is truly one of its greatest strengths. It speaks to the transformative power of poetry and its capacity to provide solace, understanding, and healing to those who immerse themselves in its verses.


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