જ The Aristocrat's Daughter જ ☾Gracie☽

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Book Title: The Aristocrat's Daughter

Author: annabellacx

Reviewer: Veil_Of_Darkness

Title (10/10): The title focuses on much of the sideline and that's... pretty much interesting. Simple and easy to remember. And you also have clearly mentioned that the story is rated 18+ which is quite appreciable considering the amount of time (it's a few mins though) spent on finding whether the book is mature or not in the blurb.

Cover (8/10): The cover is quite aesthetic and relevant to the story. The fonts are amazing too though it would be amazing if you do the following:- Making you the colour of your username into yellow (cause that matches more with the background)- Having a girl wear an apron or something of that sort (It's quite optional but it will be quizzical to considering the title)

Blurb (10/10): A short blurb that pretty much sums up everything without revealing anything too. Pretty good.

Writing style (15/15): You have a good flow of words with the paragraphs blending into each other. You have also used the povs, pictures, music and the rest quite amazingly. Great.

Grammar and Vocabulary (10/10): You have no errors in grammar and your vocabulary is great. All those steamy scenes are expressed articulately. No words.

Characterization (9/10): All the characters are pen portraited beautifully. Even the sidelines - including the Kingstons and the rest that I can almost see them in my mind but personally I did not enjoy the sort of torturing (locking and that stuff) of the lass by Kai which did make me queasy at times but considering that he is a dominative yet loving personality, we can let it pass.

Originality (8/10): The story is indeed a cliche and yes as you said - it's quite ok as long as you write them in your way. But the inclusion of the sideline and those delves into the mature scenes from the beginning in a not so indulgent manner is amazing and quite original and yeah that forms the crux.

Plot (15/15): A really good plot with a really good inclusion of characters. No one seems to be left out at any point. Not to mention the mature scenes. And just from the plot, I am sure that you have done good research on erotica. Being it your first time writing something of that sort. It's quite amazing.

Personal Enjoyment (10/10): A good story with a good storyline not to mention the other amazing aspects. It was a good read and I recommend it to all those who are in need of a good, romantic, mature story. Hats off!


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