જ A Company From the Sea જ ☾Sammi☽

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Book: A Company From the Sea
Author:  Summer_SKY_9
Reviewer: www-uwu-com

Book: A Company From the SeaAuthor:  Summer_SKY_9Reviewer: www-uwu-com

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1. Title | 9/10
Reason - I'm a little confused about the title, but at the same time I get why you made that your title. I also like it's simple, and it fir's the monster well and how your mc thinks about it. It's kind of unique too, a different perspective to think about a sea monster. It's a nice title.

2.  Synopsis | -/15
Reason - The story itself didn't have a synopsis since it was part of a collection.

3. Creativity | 9/10
Reason - You created a full on myth and turned it into a story! Though I wish you would have included more of the myth, though the parts you did include helped us picture the mi ster but still left some things to the imagination. By 'including more of the myh', I meant adding a paragraph or something of the sort in the story.

4. Pacing | 7/10
Reason - The story's a short story, so it's going to be a bit fast paced, but that's not a problem since I sometimes like the story to be fast. I was just a little confused with how the story went because I think you fluctuated the pacing too much. For example, you went from the mc thinking about Ray telling the story to them describing how it felt to sethe monster. A huge time skip which was a bit hard to keep up with. Maybe try to make the story go in a chronological order.

5. Elements | 6/15
Reason - I loved the way you made a myth and had them experience it. But I was not the big fan of going into the past and back to the future because you didn't give us a warning that is was going to happen and it got a little mixed up between the past and the present. I also didn't know when the bringing of the story was ( was it when they saw the monster? or after? ) until I read the story a few times so maybe you can make that clearer.

6. Characters | 15/15
Reason - There isn't much you can do to a character in 1054 words, but I still liked both of their personalities. Interestingly, I noticed that you didn't give your mc, the one who's head we were in, a gender or a name. I kin did like that, and am curious to how you made it fit in the story so well. I liked Ray too, I also liked how the two of them are different from each other, you also did well showing how much they care for each other.

7. Grammar | 10/10
Reason - It was good

8. Writing Style | 13/15
Reason - As I stated before, you need to work on getting the pacing a little better and including things in a chronological order but otherwise nice work! I loved your characterization especially.

9. Total | 74/85
Reason - I overall loved your story, but there's a few things to fix, as there always is in a good story. Thank you for choosing me and this community to review your awesome story! We hope to see you again!

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