જ Falling In Love જ ☾ Priyu☽

37 6 1

Book name: Falling in love
Author: ennie_minnie
Reviewer: emotionheartless

Book name: Falling in love Author: ennie_minnieReviewer: emotionheartless

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Title: 8.5/10
The title was good but too common 

Cover:- 12.5/15
The cover was too simple but cute 

Content:- 37.5/40 ( grammar and punctuation, content creativity, plot, originality )
The plot was amazing and exciting at the same time ... There are some errors proofreading is required. Rest all I found it as a lovely piece of art 

Writing skills:- 20/20
She is a good narrative, art piece builder .. she can excel and reach upto heights 

Overall enjoyment:-15/15
I really enjoyed reading this... I would prefer readers to try this once 

Total marks:- 93.5/100
Have a good day ❤️

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