જ Acontium જ ☾Michael☽

42 4 4

Book: Acontium

Author: The3rdIN

Reviewer: s-starryknight

Title: I think it's quite clever, Acontium is very important to the story and yet it doesn't give up much about the plot, which I think makes it a very good title

Cover: It is very pretty, it adds even more of a sense of mystery to the book too and sets up the theme too

Blurb: The blurb (and the synopsis chapter) set up the story so well! We know what we might be getting from the story, and yet there is a sense of anticipation, it really helps to bring readers in,

Plot: The beginning of the story seems to have little direction but, it does pick up though and then gives us a great story! My only little critique would be world-building, you have created a great world for this story, and I'd love to see more of it, it could also serve as some context for the story, so I would take that into consideration

Characters: The characters fell somewhat 2-D and I feel like could be developed on further, what are there goals? What What some little things about them that make them feel more interesting?

Flow of story: The story is easy to follow and there is a good amount of development throughout each chapter despite the chapters not being very long, it flows very nicely!

Grammar: For the majority of the book, your grammar is all alright but I would suggest just going over chapters out loud and checking how they flow or trying to use different words by using a thesaurus just to add a stronger punch with each sentence

Writing Style: I think it's good, you progress the plot within each chapter and you never waste too much time on describing things, I like it!

Enjoyment: The plot is so interesting, I love seeing what happens next in each chapter, I think it's awesome!

Conclusion: You have a strong story and I think you are telling it in a great way, the only issue is the grammar but other than that this is amazing! Thank you for using our review shop!

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