જ Taken, Respectfully જ ☾ Mika☽

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Book: Taken, Respectfully
Author: Myadence
Reviewer: TemikaSingh

Cover: 15/15• A very gorgeous cover that attracts the reader's attention instantly

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Cover: 15/15
• A very gorgeous cover that attracts the reader's attention instantly. The book currently has twelve chapters published so there isn't much to tell us a story about the cover. Although I'd like to think that it represents the pain and hardships that always tries to strike lune down.

Title: 8/10
• A very unique title. "Taken respectfully" immediately makes me think of an arranged marriage, and that's what was shown in the initial chapters. You really shocked me when you brought in a different love interest for the MC. Although the history between them shows just feelings of guilt, it makes me curious to know more. The title starts to make much more sense later on in the book.

Synopsis: 2/15
• No details provided at all other than a summary of the first twelve chapters. You could add an extract that would create suspense, or simply extend the summary with more words that give emphasis to what the story is about, magic.

Punctuation: 8/10
• Very good punctuation that made the book pleasing to read. Small errors aren't very noticeable but could be changed with a simple skim of the chapters.

Grammer: 10/15
• There were certain words that were misspelled. Again, can be fixed with a quick skim of the chapters.

The pace of the story/ Writing skills: 10/10
• You gave enough information without overloading the reader. I love how you broke it up into chapters to give it an even pace and keep the suspense flowing. The informal language that was used in certain parts gave it a more realistic vibe, especially because it was only when the informal language was applied to lune. It made relating to her much easier.

Overall Enjoyment: 15/15
• It was lovely to read and I do wish there was more. I was hooked on every chapter. I'm low-key shipping Felix and lune after that bookstore scene but something tells me Reeve is going to end up with him. I especially enjoyed the scene where lune met the prince and insulted him and he told her he understood what she was saying. I loved that. It would have been nice if they ended up together but he is the bad guy so arghh.

I think it's weird that I ship lune with the prince and Felix more than I do with her actual love interest. I hope a love triangle develops, that would definitely be something! Once again, I enjoyed reading these few published chapters of Taken, Respectfully and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a cute read that involves magic elements.

Total: 68 /90

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