જ The Bangle જ ☾Demonnix☽

23 3 1

Book - The Bangle
Author - wordywonders
Reviewer -Demonnix

Title -> {10/10}
At first glance, the title is one where we don't understand what the story could be about but upon reading the story, the title makes complete sense! I like how such a small change of events contributed to the title!

Cover -> {14/15}
Although the cover is simple, it can help mislead the reader to think many different thoughts. Without reading the story, one of the first thoughts that came into my head was blood and blood-shedding. The addition of the blood red ribbon was one factor which contributed to this idea as well as the contrast to the black background. 

Story Description -> {5/5}
The description only being three sentences holds suspense - especially since the third sentence is a rhetorical question. It definitely drew me in as a reader.

Content -> {49/50} (grammar and punctuation, originality, plot)
The use of different vocabulary is very intriguing. The grammar is very good, as is the punctuation!

The originality of the story has scaled so much out of my meter! The plot changed everything and I can definitely say that the readers had an, 'ohhhh...OH?!' moment, because I certainly did!

Writing Skills -> {9/10}
It is very intriguing and is described well! Being able to relate to how the economical standards then showing kindness contrasts the differences between the perspective the reader is viewing it from and the strange lady. In my opinion, this is very good and a way to keep a reader engaged.

Overall Enjoyment -> {10/10}
Although that was my first short, it was very well written and I will most definitely be reading more!

Absolutely! All people who are into short stories, you must read this! It will definitely catch you off guard for a certain period.

Total Marks - {97/100}

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