જ BREW THEE A SMILE જ ☾Demonnix☽

27 2 2

Author - Summer_SKY_9
Reviewer - Demonnix

Title -> {10/10}
 The originality of this title is so amazing! It matches the story and also catches the reader's attention!

Cover -> {14.5/15}
 The cover is very nice but one thing that can probably be fixed is the little text about the meaning of 'Saudade'. It's a bit small and hard to read but otherwise, the cover and the contrast of colours are nice! 

Story Description -> {5/5}
 The little message from the author is nice to let the reader know what to expect and what the mysterious word 'Saudade' means!

Content -> {50/50} (grammar and punctuation, originality, plot)

 I loved this story! Its uniqueness and the message of the story are very intriguing and made me want to know what happens next! The amount of relatability in this story is extremely high and I felt myself agreeing with the main character and their feelings of stress and helplessness as they had no other option! The story really made me smile and I must admit, your work is amazing! 

Writing Skills -> {10/10}
 The description of the emotions, the workplace, the cafe and the looks her co-worker and strangers gave her was written in so much detail! I could very much picture everything happening before my eyes! Well done! 

Overall Enjoyment -> {10/10}
 I'm speechless! This book was absolutely amazing! 

 Of course!! Go check it out now!! 

Total Marks - {99.5/100}
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