જ The Curator જ ☾Assie☽

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Book: The Curator
Author: Emy_Akpan
Reviewer: LyseaTales

Book: The CuratorAuthor: Emy_AkpanReviewer: LyseaTales

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The cover is a bit too chaotic. As in, the cover looks filled unnecessarily. Nevertheless, it is presentable. The blurb and title is intact and I wouldn’t suggest otherwise. However, the chapters are way shorter on an average with a lot of space between the dialogues or the description. That is something you can work on to make the book consistent.

No major feedback as there are very negligible spelling errors. Reading over and editing the book once will be fairly enough. I’d still suggest you expand your vocabulary and replace common words that have been used repeatedly.

Character Development:
Since the book appears to be clashing, the characters too seem to be confused as to what they do and what they need to do in order to acquire and achieve, eventually. That is something which is to be majorly worked upon. But, I did find Gabby interesting. I’d say that you introduce all the characters in the chapter the same way as Gabby but of course, with any perspective that suits you.

Plot Development:
The book lacks world building. It has a lot more flaws and cliches than expected. I didn’t really feel the need for certain “factors” that wouldn’t have eventually affected the plot in any way. Other than that, the background it creates is inspiring.

As a reader, your book is interesting to me. The major feedback(s) have already been mentioned above so working on that should work just fine. You can probably do that while editing your chapters.

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