Huntsmen VS Blackheart

Start from the beginning

Weiss: "Hey, have any of you seen Blake?"

Penny: "No, i thought she was with you guys."

Ruby just noticed Yang, Ren and Jaune coming towards them on their bikes. But what made Ruby have a questionint look was how angry Yang looked.

Nora: "Uhhh, guys what's with the wierd atmosphere?"

Ren: "It's a.... it's a long story.", he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

Jaune: "Hopefully we get some sort explination in time.", he lowered his head.

Pyrrha then took Jaune's hand into her own, all the while having an concerned look.

But Yang was in her own world, still processing the events that just transpired. Still accepting what Blake has become.

Ruby: "Uhhh, Yang...? You alright?"

Ruby slowly aproached her sister with a worried gaze.

Yang: "... i trusted her... i-i lov-"



The laugh caught everyone off guard, taking out their weapons, they tried to locate where the laugh was coming from, but to no avail.

They wanted to move, but couldn't, a sudden feeling of dread invaded their minds, alomst alien for them.

Looking around, every alley, top of a building, every window of a house, nothing, but the laugh seemed to fade into nothingess.


Looking down a road, silence was followed by sound of footsteps. And from the shadows a figure took form...

Blackheart: "Looking for someone?", he smirked.

The arrival of Blackheart quickly put everyone on edge, they were already briefed on what kind of monster he was.

Blackheart: "I must aplaud you for surviving this long, guess you have some sort of guardian angel watching over you... not for long though."

Donning their weapons, the hunstmen took their positions, this was the worst case scenario for them, they were not ready to deal with Blackheart, not in the least.

Blackheart's gaze landed on Yang, he then faked an hurt epxression, clearly mocking Yang.

Blackheart's gaze landed on Yang, he then faked an hurt epxression, clearly mocking Yang

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Blackheart: "And you must be Yang, heard quite a lot about you."

Yang visibly flinched, but tried not to be intimidated, the fact that Blackheart just strolled in here filled with confidence was unerving.

Yang: "Yeah! So what?!"

Blackheart: "Word of advice, anyone even remotely close to the Redgrave siblings die eventualy, and i'm the one doing the killing, just want to draw a clear picture here... by the way, how's Blake?"

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