Kill her ...

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Roli started crying as her head was paining her. "Please let me go .. please have mercy on me" Roli begged. Then the mother let go of her by throwing her head forward making her fall face flat on the floor again. Then Roli sat up and looked at Prem. "How is this possible .. who are you .. and where is my Siddant" Roli asked. Then Prem started to laugh and got off the sofa and turned around so that now his back was towards Roli.

Then Prem turns back around to face Roli. "Suprise!" Prem says as now he was wearing Siddants face mask on. Roli looked shocked and confused. Then Prem pulled the mask off his face in front of her to show who he really is. "No .. no .. this cant be possible" Roli said while shaking her head. Then Prem and the doctor told Roli the whole story about how Prem survived and came back for revenge.

"And your dad .." Prem continued ".. tut tut tut" then he started to laugh again. Then Roli understood that her dads death was not an accident but Prem killed him. Then she got up and ran towards Prem and grabbed his collar "you murderer .. you killed my dad .. why .. why!" Roli shouted in his face. Then Prem grabbed her hands and moved them away from his collar and pushed her on the floor again.

Then Prems mum walks towards Prem and stands next to him facing Roli. "How are we going to kill her then .. like her father or an even worse death" she says. "I say we burn her alive and say she got burnt while lighting the gas in the kitchen" the doctor says. "Or lets bury her alive in the back garden and say shes gone abroad" Simar says. "Or let me just strangle her to death and then hang her body on the fan and call it suicide" Prems mum says.

Then Roli puts her hands on her ears and tells them to stop it. Then she joins her hands together begging them to forgive her and let her go. Then Prem walks towards her and kneels down by her, "ill let you go only on one condition" Prem says to her. Then Roli wipes her tears and crawls towards him "anything .. ill do anything .. just please dont kill me .. please let me go" Roli says back.

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