Propose ...

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After a minute of silence, Prem says "I think im falling in love with you!" Roli just stared as she didnt know what to say. "Will you marry me?" Prem then asked her. Roli put her hand on her mouth as now she was happy because she found him handsome from the start and was also falling in love with him. Then Prem shows that he is waiting for her to answer and then she just nods her head saying yes.

Prem smiles and they both hug. Then Prem looks at her and says "now that i got your agreement ill go and talk to your dad downstairs." Roli nods and smiles and then Prem walks out of the room leaving Roli behind in happiness tears. When Prem walks down the stairs he sees Rolis dad talking to other people and then goes towards him to talk. He taps Mr Nawab on the shoulder and asks him to come to the side.

Prem looks up and sees Roli with the corner of his eye standing on the stairs and then looks back at Mr Nawab and smirks. "Yes son .. what happened?" Mr Nawab asks Prem. Instead of talking about Roli, Prem talks about business and just starts talking about random things showing Roli that he talked to her dad as he told her upstairs. Roli seeing Prem talking to her dad starts to feel shy as she thinks he is talking about their marriage and then runs to her room smiling.

Prem sees Roli run up and then starts smiling, then he smiles at Mr Nawab and walks off without saying bye to him. Mr Nawab just ignores it and walks back to talk to the other people he was talking to first. When Prem walks towards the front door he stops by the step and looks back. He looks around the whole house and then at Mr Nawab. Then he takes a deep breath and walks out of the house not turning to look back this time.

.. Back home Simar is standing in her room staring out of the window quietly. Prems mum walks in the room seconds later and sees Simar and then walks towards her. She puts her hand on her shoulder and Simar turns to look at her. "Your thinking about Prem right.." Prems mum asks Simar. Simar just lowers her head and doesnt say anything. Then Prems mum holds Simars hand and puts it on Simars heart.

"Listen to your heart dear, not your mind or your past .. i just dont want you to regret later." Then she smiles at her and walks towards the bed to rest. Simar looks at her hand on her heart and remembers Prems mums words. Then she turns back to look out the window and starts to think about it.

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