Operation ...

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The doctor puts his hand on the patients sholder and calms him down. "Calm down my boy .." the doctor says ".. we will make you fine in no time and then you can start living your life again .. just think that God has given you another chance to do something that might have been left uncompleted." After a small silence in the room the patient looks at the doctor and asks how he got here.

The doctor replies "i was coming back from the hospital early that day as i was not feeling too well. There were road works on the way and so i took a short cut and went another way. There i saw you flat on the floor with your face between two big rocks. I quickly ran to you and turned you around and saw that your face and hands and most of your body was fully crushed by those rocks. I couldnt even recognise what you look like....

Then i looked around to try and figure out what must have happened and saw a big, long cliff above me so i assumed you must have fallen off that cliff and landed here. You are very lucky that you still survived otherwise i dont see any chances of someone being alive after falling off that big cliff. So it looks like God has written more days for you to live in your destiny."

Just then one of the nurses comes to the doctor and whispers something in his ear and gives him a little paper with a photo on it. The doctor lifts the photo up and shows it to the patient "is this you? .. we found it inside your wallet .. we need to know so we can get the right face when we do the plastic surgery" the doctor asks.

The patient looks at the photo and a tear rolls down his cheek slowly. He nods his head "yes .. thats me" he says and the doctor smiles and tells the nurse to get everything ready. Then the doctor walks up towards the doors and closes them and then the red operation light comes on above the doors.

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