Operation successful ...

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The next day, it was a bright sunny morning and the birds were singing there little songs. One of the birds flew and sat on a window and looked inside. It was the operation theatre and the patient was sitting up on the bed with a bandage on his face and the doctor was bringing a big standing mirror to put infront of him. "Ready?" the doctor asked the patient with a smile. The patient nods his head and the doctor starts to take the bandage off slowly.

The bandage came off head first .. then the eyes .. then nose .. then mouth and then it was fully off. The bandages were taken off the body already and so the face reveal was only left. The doctor threw the bandage on the floor by the patients feet and then brought the mirror closer to his face so he could get a good view. The patient touched his face all over as he was so happy.

Then he got up and gave the doctor a tight hug thanking him. He kissed the nurses hands and thanked them aswell and then sat on the bed again to keep looking in the mirror. "Congratulations my boy" the doctor said. Then the doctor sat next to him and put his hand on the patients shoulder. "What is your name my boy?" The patient turned to him and smiled "Prem! .. my name is Prem! .. and i am back!" Then he laughed and hugged the doctor again.

After Prem got changed into new clothes and was fully ready to be discharged, him and the doctor went to the doctors cabin and sat down to talk and drink coffee. The doctor really wanted to know what had happened to Prem and so Prem told him the whole story. How he got married to Simar and how he met Roli and what Roli did to him leading him to this state.

The doctor felt sorry for him and said "i am in this with you .. if you ever need anything in your revenge mission .. just know i am always happy to help you .. now that i have made you my son." Prem put his hand on the doctors hand and said "i lost my father very early but now that God has given me a new life he has given me my father back aswell. You saved my life and i will never forget all you have done for me."

The doctor wiped his tears and changed the topic so he doesnt get too emotional. Just then the coffee arrived and both Prem and the doctor had a good talk and a good laugh and got to know each other well.

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