Property ...

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Prem came back home, had dinner with everyone, and now everyone is in there rooms getting ready to sleep. Prem stands by his room door and looks around outside to make sure no one is there and then he closes the door and locks it. He sits on the bed and takes a deep breath and then dials Rolis number and calls her. Roli gets excited hoping her dad agreed and so quickly answers the phone to ask.

"Hello?" Roli says. Prem does not answer. "Helloo?" Roli says again. Then after a long silence Prem gives a very sad toned reply "Hi Roli .." he says. Roli notices that he sounds very sad and so asks him what happened. "Your dad didnt agree.." Prem replied "..he said i am not worthy of you and told me to get out of the house .. thats why i left the party early." Roli was shocked and then said "dont worry he cant seperate us .. even if i have to leave my dad for you, i will!"

Prem started to smirk and then said "ok i'll meet you tomorrow and we'll talk about this.." then they both said good night and cut the call. Prem started to laugh and thought in his head 'what a stupid girl!' Then after a while he put his phone down and went to sleep.

... The next day Roli and Siddant were sitting on the park bench holding hands. "So what do you want me to do?" Roli asked Prem. Then Prem looked at Roli in the eye and said "what can you do for me." Roli smiled and said "i'll leave everything for you and i can even die for you .. try me." Then Prem smiles and says "hmm ok .. if u ever tell you to put all your property on my name .. will you?" Then Roli stays quiet for a bit and starts to think.

Prem lets go of her hand and stands up crossing his arms "see i knew you cant to anything for me .. you dont really love me!" he says. Then Roli gets up and stands infront of him "no no dont say that please.." she says ".. i do love you!" Then Prem holds her hand again and talks to her in a very loving and soft tone this time "im not asking for your property because of greed .. im doing it for both of us .. its the only way your dad will agree to us .. because if he knows that he cant kick me out of the house again then he has to agree .. and i promise i will put the property back on your name again once your dad agrees and once were married!"

"Really .." Roli says ".. it will work like that?" Prem nods his head and then Roli agrees to putting the property on his name. Then they both hug and Prem starts to smirk again behind her back.

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