Prem & Roli ..

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Prem was in his office looking at an important file when his phone rang. He looked and it was an unknown number and so he picked it up to find out who it was. "Hello?" he said. "Hi its me Roli .. remember the girl you helped this morning" Roli answered. "Oh hi .. how can i forget you" Prem said back. "True .. how can anyone forget a beautiful girl like me" Roli said and they both laughed. They talked to each other for a long time without knowing and at the end Roli invited Prem to her hotel for dinner and Prem agreed straight away.

Once it was time to leave the office to go home Prem called Mr Nawab and told him that he is going somewhere and will be home late so that Mr Nawab can go home and tell Prems mum. Mr Nawab went home in a rickshaw and Prem went to Rolis hotel in his car.

At Prems house, Prems mum and Simar were sitting at the dining table waiting for Prem to come home so they can eat together. After a few minutes Mr Nawab comes home and tells Prems mum that Prem will be home late. Then Prems mum tells Mr Nawab to sit down and eat with them and then they all start eating .. except Simar. "Why are you not eating dear?" Prems mum asks Simar. "I will eat with Prem when he comes" Simar replies.

Then Prems mum kisses Simar on the forehead and strokes her hair. "I've got just the daughter in law i wanted who cares about her husband and everyone in the house .. well done my dear .. bless you" Prems mum says. Mr Nawab nods his head in agreement and then finishes eating. Once Prems mum and Mr Nawab finish their food they get up from their chairs and go to their rooms to sleep after saying good night to Simar.

Simar looks at the time and then rests her head on the table while waiting for Prem. On the other side Prem reaches Rolis hotel and gets out of the car and walks inside the hotel to find out which room Roli is staying in from the reception. He finds out and then goes up to her room and knocks on the door. After a few seconds the door opens and Prem sees Roli standing infront of him looking nice. She had her hair straightened and was wearing a short dress, Prem could not take his eyes off her. She invites him in and closes the door behind them.

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