Chapter 1 ..

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The scene starts at Simars house where everyone is doing the wedding preparations. Guests and workers are running here and there getting things ready for the wedding. Its Simars older sister Jhanvi's wedding. Her marriage has been fixed with Prem (a rich man).

In Simars family she lives with her older sister and her parents. Prem only lives with his mother as his father died a year ago and so he has to look after his business. Also in Prems house there is a 45 years old male servant who has been with Prems father for a long time and helped him with everything and so Prem lets him live with them as a family member.

Simar is sitting with her friends singing songs when she hears drumming outside and goes to the window to look out. She sees the wedding car and the grooms family coming and then shouts out to let everyone know they are coming. Simars mum and dad run to the door to welcome them in and Simar runs after them with her friends.

After they welcome them in Prem sits at the mandap next to the priest waiting for the bride to come down. Simars mum looks at Simar and says "go and bring your sister down now" Simar nods her head and runs upstairs to get her. After a few minutes Simar comes down and tells her parents to come upstairs with her. They go upstairs with her to see what happened. Prems mum and Prem also go up after them.

When they all go inside the room Jhanvi was getting ready in they see her wedding clothes lying on the bed with a letter next to them. "What is going on?" Prems mum asks. Simar picks the letter up and gives it to her dad to read. "What does it say?" Simars mum asks him. He takes a deep breath and says "Jhanvi ran away with her lover!" "WHAT!" Prems mum says and then looks at Simars parents and says "what about our reputation .. what are we supposed to say to everyone downstairs and our relatives."

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