Where is Siddant ...

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She switched the room light on and looked at the bed. Siddant was covered till his head with the blanket, well thats what Roli thought. Roli quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it off. There was a line of pillows on the bed, Roli didnt know what to do and so sat there crying as she was so scared. Then she heard footsteps coming towards to room and so quickly grabbed the bat that she hid under the bed ages ago when she used to play cricket with her dad, and ran and hid behind the room door.

Prem slowly walked towards the room while listening around for any noise and being on alert. "Roli .. Roli" he called out quietly. But Roli didnt answer as she was ready to hit him when he walks inside the room. Prem walked inside the room and stood by the bed, he saw the blanket on the floor and then looked around the room to find Roli. Then he stopped and stood still for a while just then Roli ran towards him from behind him and lifted the bat up.

Just before the bat touched his head, Prem quickly turned around and grabbed the bat, stopping her. Then he grabbed her arm and threw the bat on the floor and then pulled her towards him. So that now she was facing away from him but he was holding her tight with his arms wrapped around her. "Let me go!" she screamed but Prem held her tighter. Then he put his mouth by her ear and said "you see this infront of you, its called a mirror .. i saw you standing behind me in this mirror." Then he started to laugh out loud.

Then he let go of Roli making her fall on the floor. Then he looked outside into the hallway and smiled. Then he turned back to Roli and grabbed one on her arms tightly and pulled her off the floor. Then he pulled her out of the room with him and went towards the hallway. He then threw her on the floor again infront of him and sat on the sofa behind him. "How are you here .. you're supposed to be dead .. this cant be happening .. where is Siddant .. what have you done to him!" Roli kept saying.

"Shhhhh!" Prem said back making Roli shut up and look at him. Then Prem sat back and put his finger in his mouth and whistled. Then Roli heard footsteps again, she turned around to where the footsteps noise was coming from and stopped to look. Simar and Prems mum walked out of one of the rooms and stood infront of Roli staring at her. Then there was more footsteps and the doctor came out of another room who came and sat next to Prem.

"So.." Prems mum said and then she walked towards Roli and kneeled down. Then she grabbed Roli from the hair and pulled her head back so that she was looking at her in the eye. "What shall we do with her!" she continued.

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