Idea ...

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Prem and the doctor just finished eating and then sat down on the sofa in the living room to have a little chat. The doctor turned to Prem to say something and noticed that Prem was lost in his own thoughts. He put his hand on his shoulder and Prem turned to him and smiled. "Whats the matter my son?" the doctor asked. "Im worried about my mum and Simar .. i dont know what happened to them when i was in hospital .. im just hoping they are ok and Roli hasnt done anything bad to them" Prem answers.

The doctor calms Prem down and tells him to think positive. Then Prem stands up and says "i need to go to my house and find them .. see what is happening there." Then the doctor gets up and stands infront of Prem and puts his hand on Prems shoulder and says ".. you know you cant go there .. they shouldnt know that you are alive yet .. or you wont be able to take your revenge .. please calm down and let me think of a way."

Then Prem sits back down and puts his head in his hands. The doctor walks from side to side thinking what to do. Then the doctor stops and quickly turns to Prem as he just got an idea. He walks towards Prem and sits next to him and moves his hands away from his face so that now Prem is looking at him. "Theres something else i need to tell you about my son that died" the doctor said. Prem looked at him confused and asks him to tell him.

"My sons name is Siddant .. no one knows my son is dead except for me .. everyone thinks that he is still abroad doing his studies .. because my son went abroad for his studies 2 years ago and died in a car crash just a year ago .. i couldnt tell anyone as i was too busy mourning for him all these days and didnt want to meet or talk to anyone .. to be honest i started my work again after a long break just for you .. because i found you in a very bad condition and had to cure you."

Then he took a pause and put his hand on Prems hand and Prem put his other hand on top to make him feel comfortable. Then the doctor took a deep breath and continued ".. as no one knows that my son is dead you can become my son and i can tell everyone that you have come back after finishing your studies .. i have friends that know how to make face masks and so they can make a mask of my sons face and you can wear that on .. that way you can walk around freely and no one will know you are Prem."

Prem liked the idea and kissed the doctors hand showing that he agrees to the idea then they both hug and the doctor takes his phone out and dials a number. He talks about the face mask idea over the phone and then says "thank you" and cuts the call. Prem looks at him expecting the doctor to tell him something then the doctor puts both his hands on Prems shoulders and smiles " .. from now on your name is Siddant!"

Badla! (Revenge)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt