Waiting for Prem ...

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Then he hugs Roli and tells them that his mom has allowed them to come home. "First we're going shopping to get you a nice wedding dress .." Prem says to Roli ".. then we will get some gifts and sweets for mom and Simar to make sure they're not angry at us anymore. Mr Nawab agrees and then goes out of the office to put Prems bag and files in his car. Prem and Roli also leave the office and follow him to the car.

In Prems house Prems mom and Simar are decorating the house to welcome Prem and Roli. Prems mom was decorating the downstairs and Simar was decorating Prems room and bed. While doing this she sat on the bed and started feeling the pillows and mattress where Prem sleeps. She was getting flashbacks, remembering her wedding night. Tears started to roll down her cheeks but she quickly wiped them so no one sees her crying as it was a happy day for Prem and thats all she cared about.

Then Prems mom called her downstairs and she wiped her face and ran down to see what was happening. Everyone was standing by the front gate holding plates filled with rose petals looking out for Prems car. Simar went and stood infront of everyone next to Prems mom and smiled at her showing she was not sad about Prems decision. Prems mom smiled back and turned back to the road waiting for Prems car to arrive.

Prem and Roli were sitting in the car and Prem was driving. Mr Nawab had some work to do and so went in a taxi leaving Prem and Roli alone. "Stop the car" Roli says to Prem and he brakes immediately. "What happened .. are you ok" Prem asks. Roli gets out of the car and stands by a big rock. Prem goes after her and stands next to her. "Look at the view" Roli says. Prem looks and there was a big cliff behind the rock. "Yes very nice .." Prem says ".. lets go now we're getting late."

"One picture" Roli says to Prem, telling him to take a picture of her. Prem starts to laugh and then takes his phone out of his pocket to take her picture. First Roli stands on the rock and poses. "Be careful .. theres a cliff behind" Prem says to Roli. Roli puts her thumb up to say shes ok and then poses for the picture. Then she comes down and tells Prem to stand on the rock so she can take a picture of him.

He gives her the phone and stands on the rock. She takes a picture and then says "take your jacket off and take a picture .. it will look nice like that" Prem takes his jacket off and tries to find a place to put it on. "Here .. give it to me .. ill hold it for you" Roli says and then walks towards Prem. She puts her hand out and Prem holds his jacket out giving it to her. Instead of taking his jacket she lifts her other arm up aswell and pushes Prem back with full force off the cliff.

Prem falls back slowly and goes straight down into the cliff. His jacket flies in the air and falls down the cliff after him. Roli stands on the rock and watches Prem fall deep down into the cliff. When Prem goes out of sight Roli starts to laugh out loud again with her arms out at her side. Her laughter echoed throughout the whole place.

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