Out; 4:6

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Nicholas walked into the locker room, and I buttoned up my shirt. He saw my binder, and I said. 

"What was that all about?" He smirked, and looked down at me. "Well--" But he stopped talking, I looked at him confused. Then he looked at the boys, I turned to where he was looking. 

"I'll tell you later" He ruffled my hair, and I yelled out in anger. He laughed, and shook his head. 

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Copper and I sat in the bus together, and once we got off we waved goodbye. I walked into my house, and yelled. 

"HEY! I'm home!" I heard a voice say.. "Nicholas." My eyes went wide, It was my brother. 

"Nick! Your brother is home from Uni!" Mum yelled from the kitchen. "All right, Nicky?" He smirked at me. 

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|The Next Day|

Nicholas sat next to me, and I looked up at him. "..Nicholas..? Are you okay?" I asked him, and turned my body to him. Nicholas looked at me, tiredly.

"Late night" He rubbed his eye. "How come..?" I muttered gently, and he placed his head on my shoulder. My eyes went wide, and my face went pink. "Meh, my brother's home and he's being shitty" I nodded. 

"I don't.. really wanna talk about it..." He muttered. I wrapped my arms around Nicholas, and said. "Well.. I had something I wanted to ask you.." I rubbed Nicholas's back. 

"You know we've got the meeting about the Paris trip tonight?" I weakly smiled and added. "Well, Tao, Elle, and Aled are gonna be there" I smiled, and I felt Nicholas weakly smile.

I whispered at Nicholas, "And we could tell them about us. If you want" His eyes were wide, and he looked up at me. 

"Yeah! Yeah, that sounds good! Are you sure you want to?" He asked me. Nicholas sat up, and I whispered. "Yeah! I mean, it's just my friends, they'll be cool about it" I looked around, and sat right. 

Nicholas looked at me sadly, and said. "About what you said yesterday, though--" I shook my head, and interrupted him.    

"Don't worry about it" I forced a smile. "OKAY! Hamlet 5, settle down!!" The teacher yelled. "I know today is Year 11's last official day of the school year--" My eyes went wide, and then I looked down at the table sadly.

Nicholas looked at me sadly, and the teacher continued. "But I still need to be able to hear myself  to take the register.." 

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Fin <33

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