38 - "morning millionare"

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(book update: lmao imagine not updating in a year (or two). whoops! anywhooo, i basically forgot the plot so if something doesn't make sense, it's just me making a fanfic of the fanfic. kk thanks my bbys)

Today was the day! The charity stream was happening today and it was going to be so great. Ranboo and I drove with Karl and Sapnap to the beast team warehouse.

This would be such a good experience and after what Ranboo told me last night, I still couldn't help but smile. 

Karl and Sapnap kept on staring at me because I would giggle at strange times during the car ride there. 

I kept on grinning at Marcus with such a goofy smile. This 18 year old simp was making me so happy about his cute love life. 

"Kayden, why the hell do you keep staring at Ranboo like he is your puppy?" Karl asked.

"Because he's my son and I love him," I grinned innocently.

"O-kay," Sapnap said while he drove. 

Ranboo looked at me and I just kept grinning at him. "You're the best," I said and rested my head on his shoulder. 

We arrived at the warehouse and the parking lot had a lot more cars than usual, probably the camera crew and the tech support people that karl always talks about. 

I was most nervous for who would be there for the stream. I know most of the people karl streams with would be there. 

Tubbo, Billzo, Foolish, Piso, Sapnap, Ranboo, Tommy, Karl, Fundy, Nihachu, and Purpled would be there. I knew that much. but the surprise guests made me anxious. 

i had a bad feeling in my stomach as i got out of the car and followed karl and sapnap to the warehouse. 

ranboo was holding my hand like a subway footlong (which is weird, but hey, its ranboo) and we were skipping in the parking lot together.

we didn't really need to be asked who we were at the door to the warehouse. we were famous. it was kind of weird to think about if you asked me. i was famous and i was about to be in a really big mr beast video.

we got to the main warehouse and i recognized it from the last video i was in. it was different, more colorful with a bunch of banners all saying charity stream on them with a list of groups and places we planned to send the money to.

we went into a meeting room where everyone was talking and eating donuts. 

"kayden!" tubbo jumped up. 

"hello!" I greeted. everyone looked at the entrance we had walked in and then came over to greet us. 

I said hello to a lot of people i had only met online and we took a bunch of pictures. 

I was walking around with ranboo still holding my hand while I said hello to everyone. He had on his mask and sunglasses so I was like his seeing eye dog but if a seeing eye dog was a friendly chihuahua. 

when I finally got to Jimmy, he was doing final checks for cameras with the filming crew.

"Morning millionaire," I greeted.

"Good morning broke college student," Mr. Beast smiled at me.

"ouch. at least become my sugar daddy. I'm sure your wife won't mind."

"Kayden, you know I spend most of my money. you would only be getting a thousand dollars a month."

"Still better than nothing."

He rolled his eyes and walked away to karl.

Ranboo rested his head on top of my head. he was just that tall. "Who decided to start a video this early in the morning?"

"We all agreed to it, honey. did you read the email?"

He looked down at me suddenly. "There was an email?"

"please tell me you did not just show up because it was announced the other day on karl's stream."

"how was I supposed to know?"

"you know you're such a child."

"we're basically the same age genius."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

As we stood to the side, I caught a glance of a familiar face walking to the refreshments table. 

my body froze, I felt my hand drop out out ranboo's and I felt numb.

Alex was here. He was about thirty feet away from me. And he was smiling while talking to Tubbo.

"Kay, what's wrong?" Ranboo crouched in front of me. I still didn't move so he followed my gaze to the other side of the big room. "do you want to leave?" 

"no, i'll be fine. i've dealt with worse."

we all entered a larger room after a few minutes when Mr. beast made an announcement. there were a bunch of mini games set up with cameras everywhere you turned. 

and on the wall was a large screen. 

the words "partner/team generator" appeared.

"welcome everyone! the streamer olympics have begun!" Mr. beasts voice boomed through speakers. "please stand in front of the screen to get matched with your partner."

everyone filed in and we watched as the screen became two spinners with everyone's names on it. 

it began to spin. 

when it stopped, two people were picked.

"the first team is..... Sapnap and Tubbo!"

it spun again. 

"Piso and Ranboo!"

"Billzo and Fundy!"

"Nihachu and Foolish!"

"RainyDaze and Quackity!"

I froze for a second but then went to stand next to Alex with a smile on my face.

My vision blurred but I kept it together. 

I didn't see who everyone else was paired with but I kept staring straight at the cameras and stayed positive.

man was it was going to be a long day. 

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