33 - "Ranboo?"

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I had finished up the rest of To The End during a very long stream. 

Ranboo and Tommy joined which was slightly chaotic. Tommy kept on making jokes talking about my love life and Ranboo wanted me to keep showing Pickles on my face cam. 

It took five hours to read the remaining chapters. 

A wild GeorgeNotFound had popped into my Twitch chat and asked me on a Minecraft date.

That was kind of crazy.

Piso had joined my stream and introduced me to his friend Caiti.

I was just going crazy with my friends. It seemed like a normal day today.

Life was finally getting back on track for me.

*Massive time skip - December 2021*

I was walking to classes as fast as possible. It was snowing out and I was probably going to be late for Ceramics class. 

It was a wonderful day though. I may have overslept but seeing New York with its pretty snow from where I was in the state actually made the buildings pretty.

I got to the art building and tried to dry my shoes on the rug as much as possible so I could run to the second floor ceramics classroom.

When I finally got to the classroom, the door was locked. All art and literature classes had been cancelled read the note on the door. There was an internal electric failure in the building due to the snow.

Great. Just great. 

I walked back out of the building. It was then that I noticed there was a truck for an electric company in the mostly empty parking lot.

I got back into my car and started driving home. Sapnap had agreed to watch Pickles for me this week. I just think he wanted a dog. 

Karl was very adamant against getting a dog since they were always traveling. Sapnap just liked dogs because he loved playing around and hugging random things. 

I once caught him hugging a burrito because he said it was precious. He also liked cuddling random pillows by the fireplace in their apartment. 

I also walked in on him with one of Karl's full-body anime girl pillows. Let's not talk about that though.

Driving back towards my apartment, the snow was stopping. I saw in a nearby park that there was a food truck selling cookies and hot chocolate. 

Honestly, I was starving. I skipped breakfast just to make it to classes on time. 

I pulled over to the side of the road next to the food truck. I pulled out my wallet with just enough money to buy myself one hot chocolate and a couple of cookies to share with Karl and Sap.

Once I had paid for my stuff, I turned back towards my car happily.

"Kayden?" A voice behind me asked. 

I turned around at the sound of my voice. 

"Hey, do I know you?" I asked the guy who called my name.

"Yes. Wait, one moment," The guy said. He pulled out a mask and glasses and put them on.

"Ranboo?" I asked as I finally recognized him.

"Yeah," He said laughing slightly.

"What are you doing in New York?" I asked him.

"Well, I was planning on surprising you tomorrow but I saw you and couldn't resist," He said as he removed his usual disguise. 

"Do you want to sit in my car? It's cold out here," I said.

"Yeah sure," He said.

We got in my car and I put the hot chocolate and cookies in the center console holder thingy.

"So did you come to New York just for me?" I asked him.

"Well yes and no. I flew here a week earlier than Tubbo and Tommy. Mr. Beast wanted to do a video with us. Karl planned this meetup. You weren't supposed to find out," Ranboo chuckled.

"Karl did this? He can barely keep a secret," I said. "Want to drive somewhere?" I asked.

"Don't you have class?" Ranboo asked. 

"I thought I did but it turns out they got canceled," I sighed. "I almost slipped on the ice getting to class only to find out the stupid electric was dying or something."

I got back onto the road and drove another ten minutes to Karl and Sapnap's apartment. 

"Do you want to meet my baby?" I asked him as I parked in Karl's empty parking spot. I grabbed my hot chocolate and cookies. 

Ranboo followed me excitedly to the elevator. 

Their fancy apartment needed a key to get to their apartment from the elevator. 

I pressed their apartment number and entered the key into the pad next to the button things. 

(if you can't visualize, it's one of those fancy elevators that you need like three different keys and codes to get into. it's like one of those penthouse elevators. very fancy)

The elevator rose and Ranboo hummed next to me. He had to duck his head slightly since he was very tall. He was a whole foot taller than me. 

"I hope you're prepared. Sapnap really likes hugs. When he gets excited, his accent comes out," I joked.

"Should I walk in and say 'Howdy Partner' or is that doing too much?" He asked.

"Definitely say that," I laughed. 

The elevator stopped and it slowly opened. 



Hello, my loves! How are you? I've been very busy lately. I obviously have no self-control and I started a new book on my backup account. Some of my stories have been put on hold and others have been stopped because I've lost interest in them. I am active on my message board if you'd like to stop by and say hi. 

Please make sure you drink water and take your meds! Also, get the right amount of sleep and make sure to complete your homework. 

Love, the author <3

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