12 - "Nice Dream merch dipshit"

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I woke up with sun in my face. I forgot to close my curtains.

It was 7 in the morning.

I checked my phone, five messages from Karl and two from Alex.

conversation with kArL🤢

Kadeeeeeee, I'm sorryyyyyyyy
(3:14 am)

my flight leaves in an hour
(3:30 am)

we arrive in 2 hours
(4:01 am)

I'm here
(6:30 am)

dude, if you don't show up in 10 minutes, I'm renting a car
(6:55 am)

dude, I just woke up hang on
(read 7:05 am)

I hopped out of bed and threw a hoodie and my LAFD beanie. I got on jeans and red converse high tops.

I went to my garage (idk man go with it) and started my car, a 2019 gray Subaru Forester.

I was about 30 or so minutes from the airport Karl and Alex were at.

I arrived and called Karl.

The phone rang twice and he answered.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"I muted my phone last night after everything so I didn't hear your calls," I said. "Where are you though?"

"Pick us up in lane C on the north side," He replies, I hear a voice in the background, probably Alex.

"Okay, I'll stay on call," I replied.

I drove around and maneuvered through the cars and other vehicles clogging the streets of the airport.

I finally saw someone in a beanie that looked like mine and then Karl who was wearing Dream merch.

"I see you. Nice Dream merch dipshit," I said.

"Ouch, I feel like I deserved that though," He chuckled.

"I'm going to pull up next to you. Just pop the trunk and hop in the back," I said, " I'm going to hang up now, bye."

I pulled up next to the boys, Alex and Karl threw their stuff in the trunk and walked to open the side door.

On que, Alex runs to the passenger door and hops in next to me.

The plan was in motion.

Karl looks between us and sits in the back silently.

I turn on the radio in the car, driving out of the airport and back home.

"So boys, how was your flight?" I ask, throwing a smile at Alex. My nerves were through the roof man.

"Pretty good, but the kid in the aisle in front of us recognized me and kept pestering me with questions," Karl replied.

"Oh that sucks," I replied.

This elaborate plan Alex and I put together was finally in motion.

Alex slid his hand on my leg, humming along to the music. I smiled, this was better than I imagined.

"Is there something going on here I should know about?" Karl asked. "Dude, why are you touching my sister. You don't even know her." Karl said, sounding really angry.

"We can talk about it when we get back to my apartment," I replied.

Alex and I looked at each other and smirked. My brother was pissed.

~time skip brought to you by school~

We pulled into the driveway and into the garage.

We got out of the car and the boys grabbed their bags.

We shuffled up the steps towards the entrance of my apartment.

I opened the door and we stepped inside.

"Quick tour time," I announced. "Okay so obviously this is the living room when you first walk in." I noticed to the space in front of me. I walked towards the kitchen and signalled for the boys to follow. "The kitchen. I baked cookies last night. And now we are heading to the bedrooms and bathroom." I walk out of the kitchen and down a hall. "My bedroom and my office on the left side and the bathroom and spare room on the right," I motion down the hall.

"Alright cool, now someone explain what the hell is going on with you two," Karl asks.

"First put your bags in the guest room and then come to the kitchen please," I say batting my eyes at Karl.

"Okay," Alex says, stepping in front of Karl and I to the spare room.

I walk out of the hallway and back to the kitchen, placing the cookies on the table.

Karl would need cookies to recover from our 'announcement'.

A few minutes later, a smiling Alex and a frowning Karl walked in.

I motioned for them to take a seat at the kitchen table and they sat down. Alex sat next to me and Karl sat across from me.

"Okay, firstly you might want a cookie Karl," I said pushing the container towards him.

He took a cookie and bit into in, chewing aggressively.

Alex and I looked ate each other. I am literally and visibly sweating.

"We're dating," I say slyly.

Karl chokes on his cookie.

Alex takes my hand and we hold hands.

"Kayden, he's literally two years older than you. He's my best friend. How long has this been going on?" Karl asks, going red.

"Almost a year," Alex says.

Now it's my turn to choke. That's not the date we agreed on. We agreed it would be 2 months not a year.

"Has it really been that long?" I ask Alex, going with it.

"Yeah, remember it was your birthday. August 27th," He keeps going.

First, how does he know my birthday?

Second, Karl looks like he died and was resurrected and then died again from shock.

"Kade, you could have told me," Karl looks sad.

"Well sorry that she wanted to keep our relationship a secret. The fandom can be so crazy sometimes," Alex answers for me.

"Well I guess that means you can sleep together," Karl said.

"I- what? Dude, wait, no" I stutter.

"Oh my god you have a dirtier mind than Dream and Sapnap combined," Karl says shaking his head. "I meant that you could share a room. Like because you are dating,"

Alex and I look at each other wide eyed.

This just got a whole lot more complicated.

Author here,

hello! thank you for almost 200 reads. please interact with the story and vote. it means a lot. thank u!

- kade

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