Return to Normal

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"Alright, kiddos. There's a lot of crime going on in this city. So we're gonna look for the bad guys. Be discrete, I'm grading you on your acting chops, now. Got it?"

"I can't even act like a normal person, how am I supposed to make my own character. It's not funny. I was being serious."

"You're too literal, kid. Just pretend you aren't a hero. I mean you're wearing hero costume, but just fake it till you make it. Let us go," he said, and they went walking. It was night time, and they were in the city where heroes had been dying lately. Shoto wouldn't say it, but this felt very reckless. But it also meant he either didn't think they were so weak or he thought he was strong enough to protect them both.

The three headed around, and Hawks kept grading them. "Your neck is too tight."

"You jaw is too clenched."

"Eyes too wide."

"Straighten your back."

"Look distracted. But not too distracted."

"...Hawks-san? Why are you qualified to take in students?" Shoto hadn't meant it to be disrespectful at all, but Tokoyami called him out on it. "I just don't understand since he's such a young hero. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything." Hawks just chuckled lightly.

"I am super skilled, okay! My age doesn't matter. I got experience and likability. I can do what I want. Being likable as a hero had great perks. All Might knew that especially," Hawks said, flying slowly above them. "Now, no talking, more hunting."

Shoto kept his ears open, and wrinkled his nose. "What is it?" Hawks asked, seeing his look.

"Uh, I saw something that way," Shoto said, not giving it away for Tokoyami, but Hawks knew perfectly fine why a suspicion would be valid. They were told to stay there. The two waited in worry as Hawks flew into the alleyway. He flew up and down it before returning. "Well, there's a dead body in there."

He had a finger on the side of his headphones, and was seemingly talking to police, giving the location and story, which was nothing. He just found the body there. "I'm gonna take you guys back to the agency."

"But, Hawks-sensei, we've found traces of the villain, right? That person was attacked recently, right?"

"Kiddos, it's time for you to go back. The man in there was a high ranking hero. I may be reckless, but I'm not careless. Or maybe it's the other way around, hmm. Now, chop chop, keep up little chicklets." They followed him before Shoto got a notification on his phone from Midoriya. It gave only his address.

Shoto called to Hawks the address, but ran before he replied. He didn't wait for Hawks, knowing his current sorta closest friend needed something. Randomly posting the location only didn't make sense. Then he came across his two friends, both injured and bleeding, imobile. There was a man there, creepy looking and he gave off a terrible aura.

Before Hawks got there, Shoto shot forward, planning on helping his friends. Who were both down and injured. Hawks would get there soon, he had to keep his injured friends safe until then.


Shoto, Midoriya and Iida were all at the Hosu General hospital. He hated being in the same room as Midoriya right now. The windows and door was closed, and the clean hospital smell was over ridden by the stupid O negative. They had all woken up after a rough encounter with the Hero Killer, Stain.

Shoto had never seen someone so creepy looking. But he was annoyed that it seemed Hawks had not heard him, hadn't known he was gone until a few moments later.

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