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Shoto walked into class with a large, disposable cup of coffee. It wasn't spiked with blood, but he was sleepy and needed to wake up. All Might seemed to be trying to make up, and sent him that day's itinerary. So, he got the largest cup he had, got the strongest coffee, and drank it as he went to school.

When he walked in, the coffee was strong enough for others to smell. It was the end of the week right now. It had gone well so far. He enjoyed the hero training, even the written parts. They couldn't do physical training every single day, since they needed break days. It was unhealthy to exercise excessively.

He knew that and didn't think the others realized how exhausted you could become when overdoing it.

"Whoa, the hell?! I can smell that from here!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"I was tired."

"Ooh, did you stop at Starbucks?" Ashido asked, as if it was the most exciting thing ever.

"Todoroki-kun used to work at a cafe and make drinks. They were really good," Midoriya said unnecessarily.

"Ooh, what an ordinary job," Jiro mentioned.

"The boss was nice, let me work below part time so I could focus on school, too," Shoto said. He was trying to be social, and answering direct questions should help with that. So far, the only people in class he could see bullying or just being kind of a jerk to him were Bakugo, Mineta and Iida.

"Where was it?" Shoto wanted the shop to get more customers, so why lie? He gave the name of the cafe.

"You should try it," he said, growing awkward. He chugged the rest of the coffee, and then threw it away. If they were that interested in a plain coffee, no way could he bring any blood related things. Absolutely no way. Aizawa would probably be mad about that, too, so he wouldn't bring anything in.

He came in, and Iida shouted at them all to be quiet when they were already doing so. Trying to not make Aizawa angry or annoyed was a bit hard, but they still stayed quiet when he entered, even if many opened their mouths and complained about things. Or they got loudly excited. What a noisy class.

Shoto was actually looking forward to today when they were told it was rescue training. He'd never done that before, practiced at all. Well, he did rescue those little kids from the fire. That had to count. So it couldn't be too hard.

Again, they changed clothes to leave, either their gym outfits or costumes. He changed with everyone else this time, as he had nothing to hide. No mysterious marks, no bite wound. That wasn't how it happened anyways. The only blemish he had was the burn on his face. But he was long used to that and it didn't bother him, even when people stared. He was using his costume even though it was optional. He didn't want to expose too much of himself to the sun if he'd be doing something strenuous or in the water.

They met up with the girls again outside at the bus. He got in one of the back seats, not the ones facing one another, or up close to the more populated area. He didn't listen to the conversation, and put earbuds in that were inside his belt. He snuck them there. It didn't matter, everyone brought their phones anyways.

While he was listening to the music, a loud call slammed into his ears, making him yank the earbuds out. It was Natsuo. Why was he calling him during school hours? At this time, he would usually be in class. Math class, and Ectoplasm would not be happy. But maybe it was an emergency.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I-I go-tta t-ell you something!"

"It can't wait until I get home?"

"N-no!" Why was he sobbing?

"What happened?" Shoto asked quietly, face full of worry over what happened to cause this. Natsuo never cried. Not in a long time.

A Mess of a Life (My Hero Academia)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang