A Big Slip Up

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"I'd like to speak to you, Todoroki-kun," the school counselor said when he was brought to the office building at school after it was out. He walked home, so he didn't wait for anyone. Inasa promised to wait for him, and went to the after school program for snacks and games. Shoto tensed up about the guy asking to talk to him. About what?

He was gestured with a hand to sit down, and so the boy did. He was glad this guy was not O negative. The new blood type was very expensive, but it wasn't a choice. He needed it, so they bought it. And it wasn't as if they couldn't afford it.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Shoto asked. It was lucky that he wasn't attracted to people unless they were the right blood type, so he was okay being around anyone else. But when someone with O negative was around, he had a lot of trouble resisting. But he did, no matter how uncomfortable and frightening it was. As if the moment he stopped focusing, he'd attack.

Still, he'd never fed from a person directly so he had no idea what it felt like, and didn't want to know. He wasn't stupid and didn't do more research. Vampires that fed directly from people got addicted and nothing else tasted as good.

"I'd like to talk to you about your vampirism." Shoto stiffened. "You don't need to, but I have a niece who has it, and she does well with talking to others that aren't her family. I thought it may do you well, too." Shoto relaxed a bit at hearing he knew someone personally. "My name is Hinata Hiroto. It's nice to meet you, and I hope you'd like to talk with me. It's all confidential, of course. Nobody would know."

Shoto thought for a moment, looking around at the office. It had a lot of books and candles, looked like a library. It smelled like books, and he liked that. A relaxing environment. "I... I'll decide later." Hinata smiled, not seeming bummed or annoyed by his non answer. He got to know the man, and he showed him some photos of his niece.

She was even younger than he was when she was turned. Her eyes were a bright red and she was a bit pale. She had a sunhat on, but otherwise wasn't covered, and must have had a lot of sunblock on. She was kind of cute, despite her vampire trait, which Shoto did not share. He could see just fine out of his eyes, so it wasn't damage that made them a dark red, it seemed.

Hinata seemed proud when showing her, and was smiling. "She's seven now, but I keep this picture on my desk because it's one of my favorites." Shoto could see there were a lot of picture frames on his desk and shelves. Not just his vampire niece.

"I was seven when I was turned, so I've only been this way for five months."

"Oh, you're in great control for your age and turn date!" Shoto smiled, feeling proud. Nobody had complimented him on that. Either because they didn't care, or just didn't notice. The second option was better than the first. "Are you having any issues in here? I can open the window, it's quite large.

The vampire shook his head. "As long as you're not O negative, I'm okay."

"I see." He didn't press, which Shoto was grateful for. For the next fifteen minutes, Hinata mostly talked about himself, trying to get to know Shoto better and make him more comfortable about talking. By the end, he felt good about the guy. He left and found Inasa, both in a good mood. The taller boy pulled a packet of gummies out of his pocket and gave it to Shoto.

"Hehe, I snuck it out to give to you." Shoto smiled and ate the small packet of fruit gummies. It was a good day for once! And he felt even Endeavor couldn't ruin it for him.

And he was right. The man was swamped at work and didn't come home until after Natsuo and Fuyumi were asleep, Shoto drifting off not long after the man came in. He always knew if it was a break in or not because of the sounds they made, and how heavy their foot steps were. The sounds of their shoes.

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