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"Seri-sensei?" Shoto asked, standing in front of her desk in the class as it emptied for the day. He hadn't made any real friends, afraid to open up and find out he couldn't trust peers, either. That it wasn't an isolated incident with Akira. He was still mean to him, but Shoto had managed to not need to drink from Asashi directly, he got some blood in a cup for him to drink.

It tasted sour, maybe because it was from someone unwilling. But did that mean every vampire that fed off of strangers tasted bad? Maybe Shoto should start putting his bully in his place with that voice that could make others do what he wanted, though he didn't have much practice. He'd also get caught and in a lot of trouble.

The teacher looked up at him. She didn't seem to like him, but she also didn't seem to hate him. He was just not a favorite student. "What is it, Todoroki-kun?" she asked pleasantly, giving hope to Shoto that she'd help him.

"I want... to talk to you about my home life. It's messed up and I have nobody else to tell. My foster mother won't buy me blood and forces me to drink from another kid. I don't bite or anything, but he has to give me blood in a cup, and it's not right, and I need help," he explained in a hurry. The woman had a strange look on her face.

Then she smiled and promised she'd do something to help. She'd call someone. Shoto was overjoyed, and left.

A week went by and he kept asking the teacher if she'd done it, but she continued to say she forgot to get around to it. He didn't know any other teachers, and had gotten nasty looks in the teacher's room were his stock of blood stayed. He had gotten new shipment, but that didn't mean he still wasn't forced.

Chiyo thought it was entertaining. So did Akira. They were both evil bullies.

After school one day, when his flaky teacher was getting ready to leave, she finally snapped when he asked her. It was a Monday, so she'd had the weekend to do it. "You don't look abused, and how am I supposed to know you're not lying? I don't have time to do what you want me to. Nobody is going to believe you or do anything to help when you're so annoying and needy!"

Shoto was just slapped across the face verbally. He turned and left without another word.

Well, it confirmed everything. At least he knew he was right, now. Adults were no help, and couldn't be trusted.

That night, he was finally forced to drink from the poor boy directly, and was unable to be under control. He only stopped when he was full, and sobbed out apologies as the foster mother laughed at him. His life was hell.


Young Shoto, where are you living now? He'd messaged All Might, asking him for advice on how to handle his new life. He wasn't protecting his father's name anymore. Should he tell him? Yes, he had to, so he did. Then, the foster mother opened the bedroom door where Shoto was on his phone. He pocketed it, and she pulled a camera out.

"Time to make a new documentary," she said in a sing song voice. He didn't hesitate to give the address, and ask for help right now. He looked out at the darkness, and decided he would rather be in the cold rain than here. He opened the bedroom window, and jumped out. He landed in a puddle, barefoot, legs splattered with mud, now. He looked down at his phone and saw All Might replied with a thumbs up. He was on a hurry or busy. Hopefully... it was to come to him. Akira came out sneering, the camera on. It had a small tarp over the top so the rain didn't get on it. Cheap piece of junk.

He was trying to how much footage of throwing things that Shoto just got out of the way of he could get. He was working to not get angry as best as he could, but then there was the sound of banging on the front door. It echoed through the house, through the open sliding glass door that lead onto the uncovered patio.

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