One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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"Shoto, wake up," Endeavor said sternly. The boy vampire jolted awake. He'd fallen asleep during training? He looked around and went paler than usual. He had left the place a mess. The dumbbells and kettlebells were all over the place instead of their racks, and there were a bunch of clumps of ice around. "Were you training?"

"No," Shoto lied. He didn't know what the reaction would be. The father looked at him in annoyance, clearly knowing he wasn't telling the truth. Anyone would be able to see that. "A little bit. Mostly seeing how much exercise I can take before I need more blood."

"How long have you been doing this?" Endeavor asked, starting to put the weights back in their places. He melted the ice, too, with his flames. Soon there was nothing left to show Shoto's activities. He didn't lie this time, and said he'd been doing it since he left school. "And what have you improved on? Be honest."

Shoto slumped his shoulders, and went to get his notebook. His hand writing had improved only a little bit, since he wasn't getting any one on one interaction with improving it. So, it was still very poor, even if he was good at writing, just not handwriting. It had a list of everything he could do, all timed.

Endeavor's eyebrows furrowed and then rose. "Hand stands and flips? Shoto, what is your goal for doing these things?" he asked. The child didn't want to tell him because maybe he'd start beating him again. He didn't want that!

"For fun," he said. That was partially true. It was satisfying to know he was improving, slowly, but steadily. His ice was easier to create on smaller scales, he was much more flexible, and was stronger. But he put on no muscle at all. Not that he wanted to be a buff eight year old.

"No other reason?" Shoto shook his head. Endeavor handed Shoto the notebook back. "Don't stop doing these exercises." Then he left the room, leaving Shoto confused. But he knew there had to be an ulterior motive. Though he wouldn't stop, because he had his own motivation that had nothing to do with his father. No, it was his own goal, not one just handed down to him.

Endeavor had one of their workers go grocery shopping, and the man came back with many bags of produce and meat. And from then on, they would be having very healthy and hearty food. Shoto assumed it had to do with his own training. But he was doing just fine without fancy meals. And it just meant Fuyumi had more to do.

So Shoto started helping her make meals. Helped her make lunch for all of them the night before, and then making dinner. He was a good assistant, even if he only was taking out ingredients and measuring the amounts. Easy work, but helpful nonetheless. He liked being helpful for something like this.


Shoto was woken from his nap by Endeavor opening the door without knocking. He sat up groggily, and saw the man was angry, but didn't look like he was angry at him. "You are to never speak to that school counselor ever again."

"Wha- why?!"

"He only spoke with you to get information and then post a false documentary about what he learned from you. He recorded all of your interactions for information about being a vampire. I've already talked to some lawyers. He will no doubt be fired and further for this."

The boy hadn't reacted, his face stuck in shock. Then he couldn't help fat tears coming from his good eye. "Let me watch it," he sniffled.

"No, you won't be watching it. There's no point. You also won't speak about these kinds of things with anyone else."

Then, an ideal that would he would wrestle with for a long time was embedded into his mind: you can't trust adults.


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