The Todoroki Family

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"So, we're going to be watching last years and the year before, because those are the best ones to me," Iida said. Shoto was uncomfortable already, but it wasn't really bad since he'd drunken enough to be fine. Plus he had the blood candies. He had a ton, too, all stuffed in his pocket.

He apparently got there early, even though it was on the dot. "I didn't mean to come early."

"You came right on time. Mom, this is Todoroki Shoto from my class."

"'Todoroki'?" Fuck, she was in a hero family, of course she knew. But she gave him a smile. "Sorry, that sounded like a friend of mine." He let out a relieved breath, small though it may be. When Iida went to get snacks, Shoto awkwardly walked to Iida's mother, and quietly asked her to not say anything. "Of course, I shouldn't have spoken."

Shoto nodded in thanks, and stood in the living room for a moment too long before he sat down. The couch was very comfortable. He sunk into the cushions, his backpack next to him. It was only a few moments later that Midoriya and Uraraka arrived. "Sorry we're late! Ah, Todoroki-kun, you're here already?" Midoriya asked.

"I came right on time," Shoto said honestly.

"Ah, true, we're both late."

"I didn't mean to be rude."

"It's fine!" When he sat next to Todoroki, he started popping the dozens and dozens of candies, sucking on them. "I didn't think of you as someone who ate a lot of candy," he said in surprise. Shoto stuffed the bag further into his jacket pocket.

"Depends on the candy, I guess," Shoto replied. Uraraka sat next to Midoriya, and the couch was starting to get cramped, so he moved to sit on the floor against the couch, not saying anything. Iida came over with the snacks, which were all fruits and plain crackers. They watched the sports festival, and Shoto did not look forward to it.

He didn't want to be on national, live news. What if something happened? God, what if something HAPPENED? "Do you think Aizawa would let me withdraw?"

"What?" Iida asked in shock. "Why would you want to?!"

"I don't want to be on live TV."

"Then just fail yourself in the beginning," Uraraka said flippantly. That was an option. But he didn't want to be the black sheep of the class, and he wanted to show his skill. But not in front of a bunch of cameras and people who'd remember if he fucked up.

"You shouldn't withdraw, Todoroki-kun. You could always make it to the second activity, and then pretend you're sick or something. You'd have shown your quirk to everyone already, even if you don't make it to the last few rounds," Midoriya explained. "I'm nervous, too, though."

"We're all nervous," Uraraka said. Shoto was either the only one who caught it or was imagining that she was being a bit rude. But his idea was good. He'd decide in the moment. He didn't really have any reason to win the thing. He wasn't trying to surpass anyone, he was just doing the best he could.

Shoto wasn't sure, and they went back to watching the video. He took some fruits, not only eating his candies. The watermelon provided was literally the perfect melon. Usually you got one that wasn't soft enough, or one that was too watery. "This melon is perfect," Midoriya said. Shoto nodded, and when he started to chew on the rind. "You eat the rind?" he asked curiously.

"I've heard of people doing it. I don't personally, but it's said to taste like a more crunchy cucumber," Iida said matter of factly. Midoriya looked at his, and tried eating it. His face turned sour. He didn't like it, and offered Shoto his. He shook his head, it was fine. Uraraka seemed kind of sour. Shoto wished he could ask her what he deal was, but he'd rather not start drama.

A Mess of a Life (My Hero Academia)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang