A Hero

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Shoto was drinking blood in his room when the fire alarm went off, jolting him and causing him to spill it on the wood flooring. But that was no big deal if the building was on fire, which he could easily smell. But it was sunny outside and he had no sunscreen on! He ran from the room, trying to wipe his face with his shirt, but that was covered in blood, too.

He ran towards the fire, where he could hear screams. He found a classroom of first graders trapped. Shoto acted immediately and used his ice to break through the wall and create a path through the fire. "Hurry! Run, before it melts!" The little ones went screaming and crying out, but there was one who seemed disabled. He was in a wheelchair, and was crying. Everyone had left.

Shoto ran through the smoke, and grabbed him from the chair, sprinting back out. He crouched a bit to be under the smoke before he made it to the stairs, and sprinted down to the bottom floor. When he came to the exit, which was in the sun, he froze. He couldn't go outside.

A teacher saw the little boy and took him from Shoto's arms. He was covered in blood. At least, his lower face and shirt. Some had even gotten on the kid's shirt. He was tried to be pulled out, but he refused, and stayed in the doorway, shirt pulled up over his nose to help with the smoke. His eye watered and lungs burned.

There was nothing he wanted more to do in that moment than walk out of there into the fresh air. But there was also nothing he was more scared to do. The fire station came, and the building was put out of fire. It was heavily damaged though, in one end. Not in Shoto's end. Once the fire was out, the sun had set, and Shoto walked into the clean air and coughed out, his throat feeling raw in a way he wasn't used to.

A water bottle was handed to him by Genji. He was staring at Shoto with a blank gaze, but not mean. He could hear everyone else, though, whispering about him. It was obvious to even stupid kids. He had blood all over his face, from his mouth, as the teeth had been bloody as well. And he refused to go outside.

"Are you a vampire?" Genji asked for everyone, even if the answer was known. Shoto nodded.

"Ewww!" Sansa squealed, sounding disgusted, but also delighted. "You don't belong here with a bunch of humans, you monster!"

"Hey! Knock it off, he went and saved all those little first graders and even carried one out! What did you do? You waited to finish applying your make up!" Genji shouted. Some of the boys from his class agreed. The others stayed silent, awkward about it. Then two of the first graders his ice had saved came over to him and gave him hugs, crying.

He was sad for them. It was probably an experience they'd never forget. Especially the disabled boy who'd been forgotten. That poor kid must be broken inside. Shoto awkwardly rubbed their heads before deciding to give all the little ones some fun, a distraction. Most were still crying, even hours later.

They were far enough from the main building to not breathe in any smoke. He created a big slide with a ladder and everything. Immediately, the grades below Shoto's all got on the ice slide and had fun, shouting and laughing. He was glad he could do something else for them. He sat down against a tree, brought his knees to his chest and his his face in them.

Mira walked over to him, and he stiffened. "You... you should stay away from me," he said. "I appreciate you trying to be my friend, but you should stay away." She frowned.

"Did I do something to upset you?" she asked. "If I did, I'm sorry. I thought you needed friend. I don't mean to bother you."

"It's my problem, there's nothing wrong with you or anyone else. It's just my-my own problem. I'm not gonna talk about it." He was thirsty, and her close presence, as well as seven other O negative kids, was causing discomfort along with the raw burnt feeling of his esophagus. Mira was kind enough to not pry, and walked away.

A Mess of a Life (My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now