Out Of the Frying Pan and Into The Fire

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The hospital had given them a blood testing kit to use to make sure the blood he was going to drink was O negative. So that what happened wouldn't be repeated. They all felt much safer and secure knowing they had that, medical grade and very trustworthy. So Shoto wasn't so scared if he had that.

He was sitting on the patio, the long open hallway at the back of the house, drinking some lemonade. Just plain lemonade, not blood in it. He was distant, with everyone gone again. The cat had never come back, so here he was, again, all alone in a big, empty house. He couldn't exercise right now, as he had to take it easy for a bit.

At least he had school work to do to pass the time, but when he finished that, nothing was left to do. He never went into Natsuo's room because it was his safe space, so he couldn't play any games. The internet went out, and Shoto had no way to fix it and wasn't confident enough to call their internet provider and see what was wrong.

So he had nothing to do, and it was so, so boring. All there was was his thoughts, which he was lost in, floating around while angry and upset words flitted through his head. Everything was better before. Before Shoto was attacked, before Touya died, before mom was stolen away and put in prison.

Once he was finished with his lemonade, he stood at the edge of a beam of sun lighting up the wooden deck from a gap between the roofs. He took a deep breath, and moved his hand into the ray of light. It hurt, but it also felt good in a way. It was distracting from his thoughts, just thinking about the pain.

Nearly ten years old, Shoto discovered the wonder of self-harm. And drinking blood just made them go away, so he could continue to do it without any evidence or long term scarring. The sun made much less of a mess than any other tactic he would try. He didn't like seeing his own blood, so cutting was a no-go. Not anywhere.

So, the sun was best. He wasn't hurting anyone or anything, so it was fine.


"Shoto," Endeavor said when he was eating lunch, which wasn't the best. He hadn't been eating the healthy food anymore, dropping into is depression only made him want to eat less, and he resorted to cooking himself junk food when it wasn't bought for him. He managed to fry a ton of different foods so it tasted like junk food. And it worked.

But right now he was dipping home made chocolate cookies into a small cup of blood, tested to show it was indeed O negative.

"What?" he asked.

"Do you remember I put cameras around, so you wouldn't run off again?" Shoto nodded. Endeavor sat at the table, looking tired. "How long have you been doing self-harm?"

"It doesn't matter. It goes away anyway," the boy said, growing hostile and defensive.

"It does matter, whether you can heal or not."

"You'll just send me off to a mental institution, won't you? Its what you did with mom and wanted to do with Touya." His voice was accusatory. He really didn't want to talk about this.

"But I'm not talking about your mother or late brother. I know you don't want to, but I'm going to set up a counselor and see what can be done to help you. I'll make sure it's somebody I know is trustworthy."

"They'll just tell you everything I'd say anyways. Or report you to CPS," Shoto grumbled, dipping another cookie into his drink.

Endeavor still acted calm, and didn't respond to Shoto's words. "You need to work through your problems and not hurt yourself as a replacement for feeling sad."

"Sad? You think I feel sad?" Shoto asked, baffled at how inept the hero was at reading people, even his own children. He took his blood, drunk it, rinsed the cup out, and washed his hands in the sink before sealing the cookies in their back and returning it to the refrigerator. "You can talk to me about my feelings once you get a clue." And he stomped to his room.

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