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| Shaun |

"Baby, stay calm. We're just going to ignore him, okay?" Luca said putting a hand on my chest. "Breathe baby. We're not here to fight,"

"I want to punch him," I gritted my teeth, staring at Sandy right across the place.

"No, we're not going to make a scene," Luca placed his hand on my face, forcing me to look at him. He smiled. "You do something, you make things worse. There's a whole lot at stake now, remember? Raven,"

"How is he so calm after what he's done?" My hands shook the more I clenched hard. "Are we supposed to just let him be?"

"Baby, you're ruining our date," Luca said his smile dropping. "We can leave now if you're going to make a scene," I looked back at Luca, letting out a shaky breath. I scolded myself seeing the hurt look on his face.

"I'm sorry, my love," I said taking in deep breaths to calm myself as best as I could, while there was a punching bag in the room, tempting me to take a swing. "I'm sorry," I took his face in both my hands and smothered him with kisses all over his face, until he was a squirmy giggling mess. I pressed my lips against his last, keeping it slow.

Someone cleared his throat, and Luca pulled back. I bit back a scowl, turning to the young waiter in front of us. He looked flustered and very much gawking at Luca.

"G-Gentlemen, are you ready to order?" He said his eyes occasionally straying to Luca.

"Uh, no," I said. "We were just leaving,"

"We are?" Luca turned to me with a confused look. "I guess we are," he said letting out a small smile.

"Very well," the man said. "Have a good evening gentlemen,"

I led Luca out of the restaurant, making sure to stay away from Sandy. If only the man wanted to do the same thing.

"Leaving so soon?" I sucked in a sharp breath, turning to him.

"Baby..." I kept my eyes on Luca, who had his phone on, illuminating his face under the night sky. "Let's walk away, okay? He's not worth it,"

"You should listen to him," Sandy said laughing. "He's quite a wise one, it seems. Imagine what would happen if you made one wrong move,"

"How about you shut up?" Luca turned to him. "Okay? Things could get very ugly,"

"Oh they could, alright," Sandy smirked. "For instance, you could beat me to a pulp and end up in jail. And that would be the end of your career," his smile widened. "Or I could pretty much kill the two of you and no one would know," he looked around at the empty lot. "The odd are with me. Who would have thought? I mean, I did just erase a little bump in my ride,"

I balled my hands into fists, rocking on my heels. Luca moved quickly to wrap his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "Baby, calm. Remember he's doing this on purpose. Don't give him a reason to bring us down, okay? We don't need to attack now. He won't see it coming, right? You saw how sloppy he got with angel," he whispered against my ear, rubbing my back. "You have to stay calm, my love,"

I closed my eyes and took in deep breaths. "There we go baby. Deep breaths and we're going to walk away,"

"Might have to drag me," I said through gritted teeth. Luca chuckled, kissing my neck.

"Look at you. Lovey dovey couple," Sandy commented, slicing any control I'd siphoned in the last few minutes.

"Now would be the time to drag me away," I said.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Luca said pulling back a little, wrapping his arm around me. We walked to the car and he pushed me into the passenger seat.

Please Me Mommy +18 - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now