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| Luca |

Shaun is too quiet.

I know what's brewing inside that head of his. The same thing that's brewing in my head.

I am fuming. I am hurting.

She's been hurting for two fucking years because of that bastard. That ungrateful bastard.

How dare he take advantage of our girl?

She's been nothing but good to him. All he does is spend her money with that whore he's been seeing. I don't understand why Raven kept up with this for so long.

My ears perked up when I heard loud crashing sounds downstairs. I heard Shaun's loud angry roars and dashed out the room.

I walked into the lounge area to see Shaun wrecking havoc. The coffee table was upside down, broken into shards, all the contents spilled. The couches were shoved and there was a broken glass thrown on the wall, liquid dripping down. He was panting, standing in the middle of the mess. His eyes looked up at me and I pursed my lips.

This isn't the first time something like this happened. Shaun is an angry man. He gets angry quite easily. Even though he's the most gentlest person - well, outside the bedroom - he's also a physical man. He's never afraid to throw in a punch when you piss him off.

It can even get very dark. I've witnessed it. He's never been rough or abusive to me. Or Raven, our best friend. I love that no matter how much I tend to rile him up, he's never been physical with me. He's quite calm and collected. Sometimes he treats like I'm his most precious possession.

Fuck if I don't love that.

He's my dream man. The day we both figured out our feelings for each other, was like a breath of fresh air. We went from being friends to being in a relationship. I'd never regret making that decision. He's everything I've ever wanted in a person.

Even though the both of us tend to get naughty and bring in a third person, it's usually for a sexual purpose and nothing more. We like sharing whoever we allow into our bedroom. We made a rule.

Whoever we bring, we use a different room and not our master bedroom. We value our privacy and our space.

We don't fall in love with that person. Never. We have ourselves and it's been that way ever since. I'm quite smitten by him and I'd like to think he is too.

I love everything about this man. He's not one to talk. He keeps to himself. To anyone outside of our group, he's a mysterious quiet man. We've known each other our whole lives that we are comfortable with being vulnerable and open to each other. He's fun to be with when he lets loose.

He also takes his work very seriously. I on the other hand, tend to drag working. I love my job. Honest truth. I just have one of those 'oh fuck it' days. Shaun knows how to snap me out of those. I've lost count of how many we've fucked at the office. We've had people walk in on us and Shaun makes no move in stopping.

I love how he's not afraid to express himself. If he needs me to do something for him, he tells me right away. He's straight forward about it too. He made it his mission to let me know how 'celestial' I am when we're fucking. He tells me he loves my moans, my body, the faces I make, how good I feel when he's inside of me. It always make me blush. I still get flustered because for a long time I've been insecure about how I am.

To anyone, I come across as a masculine person. I'm leaner than Shaun, but I sure do pack a few muscles here and there. I'm 5'8 and Shaun is 6'5. I don't particularly possess boyish qualities. I was never a twink, which is what most men prefer. I'm quite manly and dominant like. When I'm with Shaun though, that's all out the window. The man brings out the boy in me. I love every moment of it. With him, I can be vulnerable and open. I love being his Submissive because he takes good care of me and we both tend to our needs when we finish being sexual.

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