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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️: there will be mentions of topics such as suicide, self-harming behavior and attempted murder. If it is sensitive matter, approach with caution and thank you for reading.

Chapter is 4000+ words. Enjoy...

| Raven |

"She cuffed me to the bed and sliced me with the knife. It started off safely and then, with each passing minute, the knife cut deeper and she...bruised me. I bled so much. I wasn't aware of it until it was too late and...too overwhelming. I tried to safeword out of it, but she didn't listen and carried on. Even went as far as slapping me and getting angry that I tried to stop her. She accused me of not being Submissive enough to her," Luca spoke softly. With each word, my chest tightened.

"I must have passed out because I woke up the next day and I was still cuffed to the bed, blood drying. The bed...there was...b-blood," he took in a sharp breath. "When she came in, she apologized and told me that she didn't mean it and it was her first time. She thought that I was jealous of her and Shaun and I wasn't treating her right and so she punished me and left me in the red room by myself, all night, uncared for," I rubbed his arm gently.

"I wanted to think that maybe it was wrong and she was hurting me, but I chose to believe her and...I forgave her. I thought it was an honest mistake. I just...I thought that maybe it was me and I-I was weak. I was conflicted about all of it, so I let it go,"

"Then she started doing it over and over again. I saw the pattern and yet I chose to ignore her. When she allowed me to be the Dom, it didn't...feel right. I couldn't get myself to be in that Headspace. Every time I felt...useless and I thought that I was the problem and I was doing something wrong. I didn't tell Shaun. I couldn't tell him that I was struggling because I thought that he'd say...I was weak," Luca sniffled. "I thought he'd leave me for Sienna and so I kept quiet,"

"She'd sneak in little comments about me. Things that she didn't like or...approved of. She didn't like my moans. Said I was too feminist and that wasn't what Doms are portrayed as. She'd make me wear outfits that I didn't like. Maid outfits. A buttplug with a dog tail and even, dog ears and a leash. I didn't like all of that. It made me uncomfortable and when I told her that, she'd just...be disappointed. I never said that I liked wearing all those things. I only mentioned harnesses and she must have mistaken it for all those things. When Shaun asked me if I liked all the costumes, I'd lie and say yes,"

"It went on to a point where I was aware of what was happening, but I was just...scared. I felt...all alone and I didn't know how to get myself out of that situation without leaving Shaun. Day by day, I saw how Sienna was leaning towards Shaun more than me. It hurts," he said sobbing quietly. "It hurts so bad and I was helpless,"

I pulled Luca to me, hugging him as silent tears trickled down my face. Hearing all those things and witnessing firsthand how much it broke Luca. All he wanted was to be loved and cherished. That bitch took advantage of his vulnerability.

Never in my entire life would I be listening to something like this, coming from the cheerful and bright person like Luca. While he was on a mission to put smiles on all our faces, he was suffering in silence. Physical damage is nothing when it comes to emotional damage. Sienna broke Luca mentally. He broke him to a point where he was helpless and with no way out. She knew how much Luca loved Shaun. She knew that he's been bullied for his character and who he is and she did the exact same thing. She did it in such a way that he took too long to catch up.

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