Chap377-Park Jimin used to loved her

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When Roseanne's eyes were suddenly fixed on the glass window, Lisa, who was trying on her new shoes, turned around and caught a glimpse of the two people passing by.

Lisa asked suddenly, her eyelids quivering, "Oh, my god. What did I see?! Why is President Park with that Seong... Seong what? Seong Mina, right? Why are they here?"

The next moment, Lisa's voice suddenly stopped, and she turned her eyes sharply toward Roseanne.

She did hear a piece of news some time ago.

The executive that Park Group sent to South Korea to manage the new Internet company they set up in Korea was Seong Mina.

However, Roseanne sat silently still and then put on the badly fitting shoe. As if she could not feel the pain, she got up, walked to the door, and looked at the pair of figures who had gone to the other side.

Perhaps out of a woman's sixth sense, or perhaps Seong Mina had seen Roseanne sitting there when Roseanne came to the door and looked out, Seong Mina suddenly turned to Park Jimin and whispered something to him with a smile. Park Jimin still stood with his back to this direction, so she couldn't see his expression.

At this time, Lisa put on her shoes and rushed out, and Roseanne immediately reached out to hold her, asking in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

"To slap that bitch!" Lisa glared at her with a furious look on her face. "What the fxck does Park Jimin mean? Doesn't he love you? And now he is actually accompanying a woman shopping who has been coveting him?! Does he have a new sweetheart and is having an affair? Look at that Seong Mina, look at that disgusting smile on her face! Shit! Let go of me! Let me go over there! That bitch deserve a hard slap."

Roseanne put almost all her strength into her hands and held Lisa tightly. "Don't go."

"What are you afraid of? Now your husband is shopping with another woman! Roseanne Lin, how can you stand this?!" Lisa glared at her furiously.

Of course, she couldn't.

And she wasn't afraid.

She didn't believe that Park Jimin had not seen her. He had always been observant. Even if she had been sitting in the corner, there was no one else in the shop, and they were sure to see, at first glance, Lisa standing by the shoe cupboard and her.

Yes, Park Jimin used to love her very much.

But now, he was really freezing all her flesh and bones and, inch by inch, pulling his love for her away, cruelly and freezingly.

"Roseanne Lin, they are walking away!"

"I'm aware."

"Are you sure you're not going to confront them?"


Then she saw Seong Mina and Park Jimin in a coffee shop a few dozen meters from the mall. Seong Mina was buying coffee, and the man's tall and slender figure was also there.

"Shit!" Lisa tried to break away again, wishing that she could slap Seong Mina in the face and send her to hell.

However, Roseanne pulled her away.

"Why are you leaving?" Lisa looked at her exasperatedly. "Roseanne Lin, you're were not so useless before! Show me the temper you used to show when you were teaching those gossipmongers a lesson. I won't forgive you if you bear this insult! This kind of stuff is absolutely intolerable! The one who should leave is not you but that Seong Mina!"

Without saying a word, Roseanne pulled her in the other direction.

Unable to stop her, Lisa stamped her feet in anger but was still forcibly dragged out a dozen meters away by her. Once near the elevator, Lisa looked back and saw that they were still there. She rolled her eyes angrily.

When they got into the elevator and reached the first floor, Roseanne let go of her and walked quickly out without looking back.

Lisa was going to call her back. That bitch had bullied her into such a point. She couldn't just walk away like this!

But before she said it, she paused, took a look at Roseanne's feet, and hurriedly caught up with her. "Don't your feet hurt? Don't walk! Your feet are blistering. If you keep walking like this, you will die of pain!"

"It doesn't hurt." Roseanne said coldly, walking on without any pause as if there was something terrible in this largest department store of Seoul chasing and trying to eat her alive. She just wanted to stay away and as far as possible from here.

Of course, it hurt!

Lisa saw that the reddened skin around Roseanne's ankles was broken.

But the pain was probably no match for the pain in her heart.

"You can't wear these shoes anymore. Instead of going upstairs, let's just buy a comfortable pair of shoes and change into them!" Lisa caught up with her and said as if nothing had happened.

She knew Roseanne well. She could be extreme sometimes, but if she didn't want something, no one could bully her, but if she chose to back down, it meant that she didn't want to fight at all. Therefore, now, she was in her most vulnerable state.

After they left the mall, Roseanne didn't go to her studio but sent Lisa back to her apartment and then drove back to the mansion.

The next two days were the weekend, and Roseanne thought she might need two days off.

She shut herself up in her bedroom in the mansion for two whole days. Auntie Shin came to ask her to eat, but she didn't go downstairs. Auntie Shin brought her the cooked meal upstairs, only to find that she took only a few bites of her breakfast porridge, and hardly touched lunch and dinner.

The mansion was really big. The bedroom was empty and depressingly quiet.

After passing him at the mall, Roseanne didn't send Park Jimin any message, nor called him or Kai.

In these two days, Lisa came to accompany her once. Auntie Shin came upstairs repeatedly to check on her health, asking her if she was losing her appetite and what was wrong with her.

But Park Jimin never came back.

It was as if he had stepped entirely out of her world.

These days, Roseanne finally figured out that she was simply no match for Park Jimin in cruelty and ruthlessness.

He could give her the greatest happiness and tenderness in the world when he loved her, but when he decided not to love her, he just uprooted his existence form her world, with blood and flesh, not caring whether she was in pain or not. He just made a clean exit.

Could he really be so cruel to her?


Shutting herself up at home for two days, Roseanne felt a bit dizzy and giddy.

On Monday morning, she could hardly get up. She rubbed her hair and forced herself to sit up. She could indulge on weekends and not eat if she didn't want to, but she was going to work today, so she needed strength.

So when Auntie Shin asked her to eat breakfast again, Roseanne obediently went downstairs to eat. Although she didn't eat much, she was trying to make herself eat some.

She was not the kind of person who would torture her own body at the slightest blow. Life had to go on, and she needed to work hard to go on. There was no turning back in life. In her previous life, she fell down again and again because she was too lost and too weak.

Now, she couldn't fall down again.

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