Chap290-Did he pass out?

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Aqib was about to pull the trigger. There was no one else in the cabin, and even the old woman who had been protecting her was not here.

Roseanne thought she might die this time, but luckily, she didn't implicate Park Jimin.

She shivered and closed her eyes slowly, but the sweat seeping from her nose tip was a clear sign of her fear and nervousness, which should not be the instinctive response of a trained informant or spy.

Aqib glanced at her hesitantly, but then he thought he shouldn't spare her life. Just as he was about to kill her, Dali ran in from the outside.

Dali said something hurriedly. It seemed that an accident happened.

Aqib paused as he held up his gun. He turned his eyes from Dali to Roseanne, speaking in English, "Mr. Control is the guest of honor we 'invited' here. He hasn't eaten or drunk anything for four days. No matter how strong he is, his mind and body can no longer support him. Now he has collapsed and can die at any moment."

Roseanne still looked at him blankly, as if she couldn't hear anything.

Seeing her with that same scared look, Aqib impatiently put away his gun and turned to speak a few words to Dali in Cambodian before he left.

Roseanne had butterflies in the stomach. She didn't expect to survive. She survived because Park Jimin didn't eat or drink for four days, starving himself into a coma to distract Aqib from her.

Aqib said Park Jimin had collapsed.

What did he mean by 'collapsed'?

Did he pass out or what?

What happened to him?!

Roseanne dared not show her worry, looking at Dali standing in the room with a look of fear. The latter beckoned her to get out of bed and follow him.

Roseanne bit her lower lip and pointed to her hand, which was still wrapped with gauze, meaning that she could not deliver food or do anything else now.

Dali, however, kicked the wooden bed impatiently beneath her. Thinking she was a mute who couldn't hear anything, he scolded her and urged her to go with him.

Roseanne had to get out of bed timidly and follow him with her neck shrunk in.

Dali took her to the heavily guarded log cabin where Park Jimin lived. Roseanne was worried that they were going to continue to execute the order Aqib issued last night and was thinking about how to escape when Aqib signaled her to bring the bowl of water on the stone table into the cabin.

Roseanne looked at him in puzzlement, and Aqib pointed to the water and then to the cabin where Park Jimin lived, signaling her to deliver the water in.

Delivered Park Jimin water instead of food? What did he mean?

The door of the cabin was now open. She remembered that she had seen no sign of bondage on his body last time, but now she didn't see him walk out. Was he still in a coma?

Roseanne walked slowly to the door of the cabin and looked in.

She saw Park Jimin sitting against the wooden wall by the window of the cabin. His eyes were closed, his face was pale, and his lips were also pale and dry. Apparently, due to severe water shortage, he was in a semicomatose state. Instead of lying down, however, he insisted on sitting there and closed his eyes to rest.

It turned out that they wanted her to feed him some water.

She took a look at him and then at the bowl of water on the rough stone table outside. She walked over and picked the bowl up under Dali's cold stare.

She didn't know if Park Jimin had been refusing to eat their food and water for fear that he might be poisoned, or if he was just showing his attitude, but now she couldn't be sure if there was any poison in the water.

Roseanne was walking into the cabin, holding the bowl. Her hands suddenly trembled, and some water in the bowl spilled out and splashed the back of her hand that was just burned last night. It was so painful that she dropped the bowl and the whole bowl of water spilled in an instant.

Dali, seeing her clumsy actions, wanted to kick her and even take out his gun and shoot her.

But Aqib had told him that Mr. Control had rejected all of them, but this woman who they caught was not one of them. And women were more attentive than men were, so now the most important thing was to have this woman take care of Mr. Control, feed him water and food, and keep him alive.

Otherwise, if Mr. Control really died, let alone those secrets that hadn't been obtained, this trump card with which they could threaten Kim base and even the American police would no longer exist.

He had to live!

Dali suppressed his temper, swore, and told Roseanne to fetch another bowl of water.

She got up shakily and kept nodding at him. Then she trotted over to the hand-dug well near the cooking tent, filled a bowl of clean water, and carefully brought the water over.

Daly glared at her and warned her not to dawdle, telling her to hurry in and feed him some water.

But after she entered, Dali and his men guarded the door and windows, staring closely at Roseanne and Park Jimin's faces, not missing any suspicious clues.

Roseanne went in and hurried up to Park Jimin, trying to keep her raised hand from trembling so hard, but her tremors would not be regarded by them as excitement and nervousness but fear.

She carefully raised the water to his dry lips. He didn't eat, drink, wash, or sleep for four days, so his breathing was weaker than usual, but his breath was still warm, refreshing, and unique as it brushed her hand.

Roseanne held up the bowl and tried to feed the water to him, but his lips were closed. Although his lips were not tightly closed, she still couldn't feed the water to him.

She could do nothing but gently patted him on the shoulder.

Park Jimin frowned and didn't open his eyes. Feeling the water bowl against his mouth, he turned his head away.

Seeing he refuse to drink water, Roseanne anxiously put the rim of the bowl against his mouth and patted him on the shoulder again, but it didn't work, so she raised her hand and patted him on the face.

If it were before, he would have smelled her scent and known who she was.

However, after four or five days of torture and suffering, he was dehydrated and weak. Even if he hadn't lost his sense of smell, he probably wouldn't be as sensitive as he used to be.

Seeing him neither open his eyes or his mouth, Roseanne pulled his outstretched leg down and sat down on his lap.

Finally, Park Jimin felt the soft body on his thighs. He frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

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