Chap351-My husband is here

391 36 7

Roseanne shivered with pain, and her heart seemed to suddenly become empty. She looked at the car, trying to scramble toward it, but couldn't move her body. A sharp, throbbing pain in her abdomen jarred on her nerves.


There was suddenly a loud bang from a distance. The car Sunmi was in exploded. The sky was covered with fire and thick black smoke.

For a moment, the highway fell into a suffocating silence, and the smell of death crept into her skin.

Little by little, her strained and disordered nerves cooled, but then she felt chilled to the bone.

The sky had never seemed so dark to her.

The black Bentley stopped there, and a small flash of fire jumped up from the gasoline that had spread beneath the car. She stared at the flame, gritting her teeth in an effort to stand up and put it out, but she could only move forward by a few centimeters.

"Roseanne Lin!" Jennie's voice suddenly rang. Several drivers who had got out of their cars had gathered behind the giant truck. Jennie quickly pushed through the crowd and ran over. She, with red eyes, saw Roseanne lying on the ground and hurriedly ran to her.

Jennie crouched down to help Roseanne up, but Roseanne's eyes were fixed on the black Bentley, and she asked hoarsely, "Who is... in the car...?"

"Let me help you up first." Jennie had hardly ever cried, but now, seeing Roseanne's blank eyes and the blood oozing from beneath her, she couldn't help tearing up. She came up and tried to help Roseanne to her feet, but Roseanne couldn't even stand. She just kept her eyes on that car.

"Tell me... who is in the car...?"

Jennie gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Roseanne slowly turned around and looked at Jennie. "Is it Park Jimin?"

Jennie held her arm to keep her from falling, but her hand on Roseanne's arm trembled slightly. She tried to pacify Roseanne, but she knew she couldn't, so she just lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "Us and Park Jimin tracked your location and tried to catch up with you as fast as we could. It was half an hour's distance between our cars, but when we finally caught up with you, we saw you almost being pushed out of the car window, and Jimin's car suddenly reached full speed..."

Roseanne suddenly fell into a trance.

So, the one in the car was... Park Jimin...

The moment she realized this fact, she suddenly pushed Jennie away, turned, and stumbled toward the car.

Not expecting that she still had the strength to move, Jennie was pushed back. When she reached out to help Roseanne, the latter had run to the black Bentley. She hurried forward to stop Roseanne from going closer to the car and tightly held Roseanne's arm. "Roseanne, don't..."

Roseanne fixed her eyes on the Bentley as if she could hear nothing.

Kim Taehyung, who rushed into the crowd almost at the same time with Jennie, didn't say anything but ordered Ryujin, Haruto and his men to catch the truck driver. They, with a solemn look, were about to rescue Park Jimin.

The onlooking drivers watching were all pointing at this direction and discussing...

"Did the car in front explode? How did it suddenly explode? That's horrible!"

"The car was hit so badly. The Bentley's body is very strong but was struck very hard. It can be seen how great the impact force is... is a highway murder..."

"This car is leaking oil. Look, the leaked oil is on fire!"

"Will this car explode too..."

Their whispers couldn't get into Roseanne's ears. Trying to hold back her tears, she stared at the broken car window with red eyes and tried to swing Jennie away, but the latter still held her arm tightly and, in the end, put her arms around her body. "Rosie, calm down!"

"Let go of me!"

"Roseanne Lin!"

"Jennie Kim, let go of me!" Roseanne screamed hoarsely. "Let me there"

"This car could burst into flames any minute! Park Jimin stopped the car between you and the truck at the risk of his life just to save your life! Whatever condition he is in, if you don't leave here, won't Jimin's sacrifice have been in vain?"

"What sacrifice? How could he possibly sacrifice his life? He won't..." Roseanne struggled madly in her arms until she could not move anymore. When she heard Kim Taehyung and his men trying to pry open the car door, she couldn't stop her tears and collapsed to her knees.

"Roseanne Lin..." Calling her name, Jennie looked down, only to see Roseanne's shoulders twitching and shaking. She put her hand on her shoulder and tried to speak calmly, "Your lower body is covered in blood. Get in the car. Roseanne, don't be like this..."

Seeing the flames on the gasoline under the car getting bigger, Roseanne rushed up to put them out. Kim Taehyung suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Roseanne, saying harshly, "Jennie, take Roseanne Lin away right now!"

Yes, she must take Roseanne away. Hearing Kim Taehyung's order, Jennie raised Roseanne forcibly from the ground, held her shoulder, and took her hand. "Let's go!"

Roseanne didn't speak or move but just kept staring at the black Bentley. She watched more and more blood spilled down the door of the car and felt dizzy.

"Park Jimin, come out! Get out of the car." Roseanne's mind went blank, and she unconsciously walked toward the car door but was stopped by Jennie.

She stared blankly at the deformed door. "The Bentley has better airbags than most cars. He'll be fine, right..."

Roseanne seemed to be talking to Jennie, or to someone in the car, or even to herself.

Jennie remained silent.

No matter how good the car, Park Jimin rushed up at full speed just now. At this speed, if it were an ordinary car, it would probably fall apart in an instant. The impact force was too great for an average person to bear. Besides, Park Jimin drove the car sideways just now, and the part that was hit was the side of the car, which was not as strong as the front and rear bodies. The inside of the car was obviously no better than the outside and would only be worse than what they saw.

At the moment when Roseanne was almost crushed to death by that giant truck, Park Jimin traded his life for hers.

No one could have foreseen that moment when he suddenly drove his car to the limit.

Even if Jennie had been going through fire and water for so many years and were already used to death, she would never ever forget the scene that happened just now.

Jennie held Roseanne's hand and forced her body around to take her away.

In fact, Roseanne had no strength left now, and the scarlet and sticky liquid dripping from under her had made her realize what she had lost at that moment.

How could this be?

Why was this happening all of a sudden?

The moment she was forced to turn around, Roseanne stared blankly at the ground and could still hear oil dripping down from the Bentley, one drop, two drops...

[2] Reborn [Jirose Adaption]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt