Chap301-Like husband like wife

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After she finished working on his head injuries, the cabin doors opened once more. Ryujin was about to enter when she noticed that Park Jimin's black dress shirt had been tossed aside.

She paused in her movements before taking a decisive step back. She remained outside to say, "Mr. Park, the officer in charge of the American Arms Force, Officer Entes, is looking for you."

Roseanne rushed to press him down. She did not wish for him to leave in his wounded state.

Park Jimin touched the hand she placed on his shoulder, patting it comfortingly. At the same time, he said, "I understand."

He glanced back at Roseanne: "Officer Entes and I are on friendly terms. He flew all the way from America to Cambodia this time not just to assist in the rescue. He must have something he wants. I'll go talk to him. You rest here and Let Ryujin accompany you."

Roseanne's hand lifted off his shoulder. "Where will you be talking to him?"

"I won't be far away. The people in the camp have already been captured. This area is also surrounded by the members from the base and the police force. It's safe. We'll only be discussing papers; we won't be using knives or guns. I'll be back soon." He pinched her cheek.

It hadn't been easy trying to pull him back to her side. Yet, only a moment later, there were more problems he needed to take care of personally.

Even though he was so heavily injured, he could not have any proper rest.

Roseanne was unwilling to let him leave, but there was no way she could stop him. She nodded her head. "All right."

Park Jimin picked up the black shirt stained with blood. Roseanne wanted to say that it was covered in blood, but after realizing that there was nothing else he could wear, she swallowed her words back.

Thankfully, his shirt was black. Those who did not know would not be able to notice the bloodstains.

Park Jimin carelessly buttoned the shirt. Aside from the slight stubble on his chin and his pale complexion, he did not appear different. He was covered in wounds, but he did not look like a sorry figure.

Comparatively, she was an appalling sight in her white sarong.

Watching as the man walked out of the cabin, Roseanne followed. However, before she could even step out of the door, she was blocked by Jennie who came from the back. Ryujin gave a respectful nod to Jennie and leave the two.

"Roseanne, you should rest inside. Don't come out," Jennie said.

Roseanne's gaze flitted out. The paths she had frequented between the barracks were now covered in blood. Furthermore, there were still some gang members lying unmoving on the ground, covered in blood.

The nausea returned once more. She abruptly turned around and returned back to sit in the cabin.

It was truly unsuitable for her to leave.

As someone who had lived in a peaceful society within the country in South Korea, this was her first time facing this sort of unrest and desolation. Seeing the fresh blood and the various models of empty ammunition cases that littered the ground, she feared that she would experience up to two years of nightmares.

A moment later, Jennie spoke to the people outside and entered the cabin.

"You're not sleeping?" upon seeing Roseanne's wide-open eyes, Jennie asked.

"I fell asleep a few hours ago when the gunshot noises were still loud. I slept for several hours, so I'm not sleepy now." Roseanne leaned against the cabin wall, speaking with a sigh: "Jennie, for the past few days... it feels as though I've been watching a movie..."

[2] Reborn [Jirose Adaption]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora