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Park Jimin still had a lot of work he needed to complete; there were quite some loose ends left to settle before he could go. Naturally, he woke early.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the fair and clear face of the little woman leaning against his chest. The little woman's eyes were closed, and her beautiful blond long hair was spread across the pillow; drowsy yet beautiful.

She slept very deeply and was completely defenseless.

The man pressed his elbow against the bed and supported himself with his palm to watch her for a moment. All of a sudden, he leaned down and kissed her; unlike his usual, delicate and soft morning kisses, this was a harsh, deep kiss that took away all of her air and forced her into an abrupt awakening.

Roseanne was startled awake. Her eyes quickly snapped open. From last night until now, it hadn't been easy for her to fall into a deep sleep because of the soreness between her leg. Now that she was abruptly awoken by this man, her expression was completely dumbstruck, and she was at lost as to what had actually happened.

When the drowsiness in her eyes faded away, she met the man's smiling gaze and heard his low, heavy, and lazy voice say, "I'm going to work now. I'll be leaving directly tonight, and I won't be stopping by University to see you."

Sensing that he had intentionally awoken her, Roseanne knitted her brows due to her aching body. As though she was unwilling to hear him speak about his departure and frustrated from being awakened, she said unhappily, "Are you trying to keep me from sleeping? You're so frustrating. Go back to South Korea already and let me sleep well. In the future, I don't want to sleep with you again..."

Park Jimin watched her prickly appearance and felt like bullying her. After hearing her last words, his distant, black pupils instantly narrowed dangerously: "Repeat those words again?"

Not only did he wake her up, but he was also being fierce to her now?

Roseanne pushed him in frustration: "I don't want to sleep with you again. I won't sleep with you again!"

The man lowered his eyes to watch her, his lips curving into a dangerous smile. His morning, husky voice was especially low. "You won't sleep with me again?"

His tone was clearly threatening.

"I won't... uu!"

Before she could finish her words, the man caught her lips in a kiss.

The man shifted and leaned over her body, covering her. He held her face and pressed a harsh, deep kiss on her lip. As her hands moved to push against his chest, he caught them both single-handedly and held them above her head.

Roseanne frantically opened her eyes as all of her air was stolen from her. Her lips were captured, and she could only whimper. Finally, as the man bit against her lip, she rushed to speak with the small space she was allowed. "Park Jim... uu..."

The man sealed her lips once more. After torturing her well, he licked her reddened lips. From above, he lazily watched the exceptionally helpless woman underneath him. His lips curved slightly. "Little vixen, are you sure you won't sleep with me? Even after you return to Korea?"

Earlier, Roseanne had been frustrated due to awakening and had spoken in anger. She now wondered how she had never noticed that the man had such a mean side to him.

His words clearly meant that there was no need for her to sleep from now on then.

After a whole night of torture, he was still not satiated. Wasn't he afraid of kidney deficiency?

Roseanne felt the urge to fearlessly insist that she wasn't, even after returning to Korea, going to sleep with him. She wanted to keep him here so that he would miss his flight tonight, and to stop him from returning to Korea.

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