Chap310-Hot and Sour

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The Kim base members were responsible for sending the children back to the village. Everyone packed their things and prepared to leave Tonlé Sap Lake before the sky turned dark. Since Park Jimin and other Kim members had serious injuries, they were first sent to the hospital in Cambodia's capital. The next morning, they would head to America.

Roseanne asked if she was supposed to follow them back to America. Kim Taehyung only replied with one line: "Park Jimin is going to America. Are you not going to follow?"

Of course, she was.

At this moment, Park Jimin sat in the hospital bed in Cambodia. The doctor and nurses kept making a fuss. Every once in a while, due to how serious his injuries were, they would say a bunch of nonsense. While tending to his injuries, they also kept staring at his exceptionally handsome face and looking for opportunities to talk.

Roseanne could not understand precisely what they were saying. She could only see the female doctor and the little nurses' expressions as they stared at his face and back. In an instant, it felt as though a bottle of vinegar had been spilled in her heart and set on fire; it was hot and sour.

However, this was not the right time to be upset. Park Jimin injuries were too severe, and the doctor was tending to his wounds. She could not choose such a time to force him to put on a shirt and take him away from the hospital.

No matter what the doctor and nurses said, she could not tell if Park Jimin understood. He sat there quietly. When Roseanne abruptly stood up to leave for some fresh air, he stopped her. "Where are you going?"

She turned to look at him. Even as he was resisting the pain, the man did not even frown. However, there was still some sweat on his forehead. He allowed the nurses to stitch up his wounds with the needle and thread as they pleased. Even though the vein on his hand was popping, he did not make a single sound. He only opened his eyes to look at her.

"I'm going to get a cup of water."

As she spoke, Roseanne immediately left to look for a water dispenser.

She naturally would not admit that it was because those few nurses had said a bunch of nonsense while staring at his face. As they disinfected his wounds, they would bend down and lean close to his ears to gentle whisper god knows what. This scene had almost caused her to lose it.

This was not the time to be jealous. However, she could not understand what these people were saying, which made her feel even more stifled and flustered. She did not want to distract them when they were tending to his wounds, so she decided to leave.

However, Roseanne felt awkward about staying away for too long. Ryujin was right outside. She chatted briefly with her, poured a glass of water, and returned back to the room.

Afterward, as she carried the water in, this was the scene she saw:

Park Jimin's bloodstained shirt was tossed on the ground. He was covered in dirt, and there was a faint scar above his brow bone.

Seeing that she had finally returned, the man's brows rose. He watched her from the corner of his eyes with a light smile, as though he had noticed the hint of jealousy that had driven her out earlier.

He just sat there. Even though he was dirty and battered, he was still ridiculously handsome.

This was the first time Roseanne understood that the source of a person's attractiveness was not only his clean and tidy disposition. Although his face was indeed God's best creation, at this moment, the man's charm was not born from nobility and indifference, as she was used to. Instead, he had a masculinity that came from within.

He was not dressed in his expensive suit, nor did he tidy up his unbelievably handsome appearance.

However, his attractiveness right now was fatal.

There was actually a reason why the female doctor and her nurses appeared lovesick as they tended to his wounds.

They finished with the stitches at night. At 9.30 p.m., Park Jimin finally put his shirt back on.

Before the flight back to America, everyone took advantage of their relaxed state and found a nearby noodle store. They ordered more than thirty bowls of beef noodles to the hospital.

Park Jimin temporarily could not move after his wounds were stitched up. And so, the mission of feeding Boss Park his food appropriately fell onto Roseanne's head.

Roseanne stood before Park Jimin. As she stirred the noodles in the bowl, she said, "A few days ago, the first time I fed you food, you tossed it away."

Park Jimin paused and immediately sensed that she had the intention to look for revenge now that the time was ripe.

"In that situation, there would be more problems if I ate it." Although they both understood this, he still explained.

Roseanne immediately rolled her eyes at him. "Then you should have continued giving me the cold shoulder when I fed you water, ah. Why did you suddenly tease me?"


Although her tone was upset, right now, Roseanne could not bear to starve him. He was a seriously wounded patient and needed more care.

He watched as the little woman considerately blew at the steaming noodles before bringing it to his lips. Park Jimin chuckled lightly. "Is it because you were unable to feed me in your past few attempts that now you're looking for an opportunity to succeed?"

"Are you able to raise your arms and shoulders right now?" Roseanne pressed the spoon against his lips. "The doctor said that before you recover from your wounds, you're not allowed to make any movements with your shoulders and back. Otherwise, if you further aggravate them, the consequences would be dire."

The man watched her serious expression and smiled. He gave her face and ate the noodles she offered.

Earlier, Roseanne had eaten a few bites from another bowl. The taste that the Cambodians preferred was not the same as theirs. Although this was sent from one of the best noodle stores near the hospital, she did not enjoy the taste of the broth. It was not exactly sour, nor was it exactly sweet. It was sufficiently salty, but she simply could not get used to the taste.

Thankfully, the soup was light, and the noodles were soft. Noodles were easy on the stomach as they could be digested easily. It was suited for the people who were injured and could not move much. Thus, she needed to come up with ways for him to eat more.

After eating, the people from the base prepared to board the plane. Roseanne left with the rest to help move their luggage.

Park Jimin was not idle. He chatted for a long time with Kim Taehyung and Officer Entes.

When Roseanne left to look for him, she saw that a nearby lamp was casting a radiant glow upon his body. His expression was tranquil, as though all of the experiences from the past few days were not sufficient to fluster him. She wasn't sure what Officer Entes had said; even though he remained silent, a hint of coldness appeared in his brows.

When he saw that Roseanne came back, Park Jimin followed the doctor's advice and did not even move his hand. He only used his gaze to indicate for her to come near him.

Roseanne quickly approached to stand before him. The light landed on both their bodies, causing their shadows to blend together.

Cambodia's winter was mostly hot and humid. Today, it finally felt cooler and refreshing.

Roseanne turned toward Tonlé Sap Lake's direction.

Cambodia's night sky was silent. Only the stars were shining radiantly.

This country was beautiful.

But she never wished to come again in her lifetime.

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