Chap314-The real reason

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Lying in the same bed with him, she turned over slightly. Afraid of touching his wound, she was careful with every movement.

It felt as if the two of them had become one. His pain was her pain, and his injury was her injury.

The hospital corridors were cold, but the wards were warm. She was covered with a quilt, and her hair, still wet from the bath, lay under her head. She pulled back the quilt slightly, stretched out her arm, and then carefully loosened her hair.

Under the dim light in the ward, Park Jimin could see the scalds on the back of her hands. Her pale blue hospital gown covered the wound near her wrist, and her hand was wrapped with white medical gauze.

"Kim Taehyung has many friends who are often injured, so he knows some good doctors. I asked him to get some medicine that can remove this scar. You'll need to apply the medicine every day." He whispered, sounding calm, but there was a hint of pain in his voice.

Roseanne glanced at her own hands and smiled. "It's all right. It was just that the top layer of skin blistered a lot, and I just applied some herb ash on the wound after scalding, so it seemed to be very serious. A layer of scalded skin had already fallen off when the doctor applied the medicine for me yesterday. The skin and flesh inside didn't scald very seriously. I think they will just remain red and swollen for some time and then fully recover."

She was fortunate to get out of that sort of a place alive. If she left there without any scars, what she was going through might just be a fairy tale.

Anyway, it was just a layer of scalded skin. The wound would recover over time. It would not leave a deep scar.

Park Jimin withdrew his gaze, and his hand under the covers took hers.

Roseanne reminded him, "Just hold it lightly. Don't hold it too hard. It will drag your arm and shoulder blade."

"I know." He said indifferently. He was obviously a little annoyed at the fact that she had burned herself.

However, he was not a melodramatic man, nor was she a melodramatic woman. These traces of the past could prove that they had lived and died together.

Such traces were more meaningful than any wedding ring, gift, or souvenir.

Obviously, still under the influence of the anesthetic, Park Jimin closed his eyes somewhat wearily.

Roseanne lay beside him, changing the subject, trying to make him rest.

"Why did you ask me whether I went to the Los Angeles River a lot or not in the past?"

"Did I?"

" did ask yesterday when the plane landed!"

"Well, then, I probably did."

"You had an operation under general anesthesia. Was your head anesthetized as well? You even forgot what you asked me yesterday."

"You didn't have an operation, but you also forgot a lot of things, didn't you?"


Roseanne asked, "So when I was 16 years old, was it you who I fished up from the Los Angeles River the night my friend and I got separated because of a broken streetlight?"

Park Jimin smiled.

It seemed that she had no memory loss but didn't realize that she had accidentally saved his life, so she didn't take that matter seriously.

He closed his eyes and tightened his grip on her fingertips. "I was even more seriously injured than this time when the Kim base's helicopter exploded a thousand meters above the Los Angeles River, and I fell wounded into the river. If it hadn't been for you, I would have been swept down into the downstream waterfall, and there would have been no Park Jimin in the world."

So... she really...

Having just been through all things in Cambodia, she was not too surprised at what he said.

She was only curious, and suddenly she turned her head to look at the man's face close at hand.

She remembered that night, the lamp was broken, and the river was dark. She only noticed that there seemed to be a lot of blood on his body. Maybe she watched too many American war movies and felt like acting as a heroine, so she wanted to save him, a stranger. Young and brave, she wasn't afraid when she saw that there was so much blood on his body, but she didn't see his face clearly.

And then, her lost friend called to urge her to go to the bridge and go back to school with her, so she carefully helped him to a safe place on the shore and hurried away without waiting for him to wake up...

She didn't expect that man was Park Jimin.

Those memories were a decade away from Roseanne, so it was really a distant memory for her.

"So, the arranged marriage between the Park Family and the Lin family was proposed by you? Did you do that to... pay me back?" There was a sudden shiver in her voice.

No! not the paying back thing! She didn't like it!

Park Jimin smiled. "No, there are many ways to repay you. I don't have to sell myself."

Roseanne: "...." Sell himself? So, Park Jimin was giving her the cold shoulder?

"The arranged marriage was proposed by my grandfather, but I had the final say. In the beginning, I knew it was you, so I just paid more attention to you. But in the end, the real reason for me to accept the marriage had nothing to do with repaying you."

"Then what's the reason?"

He glanced at her. "Are you sure you want me, a patient, to lie here and tell you so much?"

"Just this once..."

"I suddenly felt very sleepy."

"Just answer this one question, all right? I can't fall asleep if you don't tell me!"

"I'm really sleepy."

She didn't know they had this connection before. Now, after she knew that, her curiosity was aroused, but he just kept her in suspense and didn't talk about it anymore.

"Just make the long story short, okay?"

He said nothing more but took her fingers in his palm gently and stroked the gauze wrapping the back of her hand. He closed his eyes as if he were really going to sleep.

Roseanne wanted to continue to ask, but then she thought that he had just had his operation last night and was woken by her early in the morning. She moved her lips. Although reluctant, she still closed her mouth and didn't disturb him, lying beside him and gazing at him.

Park Jimin did fall asleep quickly; it seemed he was enduring the drowsiness to chat with her. Roseanne had to admit that the fear of what had happened to her those days had disappeared. Everything but question marks and curiosity seemed to have been pushed out of her mind, and the sense of panic was gone.

She gazed at him in this way for a while, until finally, she began to feel sleepy. She slowly took her hand out of his palm, and then slowly put it on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. His heartbeat and the beating sound seemed to pass through the gauze wrapping her palm, running from her hand to her limbs, warming her blood and nerves, and bringing her back the long-lost sense of security.

Thinking that the only good thing she had ever done in her life was to save her husband, she raised her hand to her mouth, and, unable to restrain herself, laughed like a child. Afraid to be found by Park Jimin, she hurriedly turned her head aside and continued to laugh.

[2] Reborn [Jirose Adaption]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant