chapter 20: double date

Start from the beginning

     After we'd finished having lunch I went to my room and watched Netflix and only came out after I got ready for our double date at 8 pm.

     I was waiting outside my place waiting for jack but he was late. It was 8:10 pm and he wasn't here. And to make things worse he doesn't pick up my calls either. I was worried. So much so that I got his dad's number from Liam and called him. He picked up immediately "who is it," he said. "It's me mia. Is jack home." I asked

"Yes, he is."

"Wait what. Umm, could you tell him to call me" I was so confused?

"Yes sure but he's asleep"

What! He was asleep! He knew we had a date. I was so mad. And as I hung up the call I felt like going back inside and cancelling the date. But when jack called seconds later I decided to hear him out.

"Mia listen. I'm so sorry. I dozed off. I forgot about the date and was tired. Please. I'm sorry"

"Fine then come here right now. We've already made Liam wait"

"Yeah but I need a couple of minutes"

     I just hung up because I was still mad. How could he just forget like that?

     Minutes later Jack arrived in his expensive new car he got 2 days ago. I got into the car but not next to him up front. I sat in the back and didn't say a thing. As we arrived jack suddenly said "come on mia I only forgot once. Why are you making it a big deal?" Omg? Was he for real? Why was I making it a big deal? He literally made me wait for 20 minutes. And because of him this perfect night was ruined.

     I didn't say anything and as we were getting out of the car jack suddenly took my hand. And for once I didn't feel any connection. I felt out of place.

     Inside Emma and Liam were waiting for us and Emma looked at me fuming with rage. "Why did you make us wait so long. I've been bored"

     "Maybe it's because someone fell asleep and forgot about me," I said. At this Emma laughed and said "maybe it's because you're not interesting" I was super pissed and was expecting Jack to say something but he didn't even look up from the menu.

     I was trying not to explode because I was getting madder and madder by the second. As we all ordered a large beef pizza Emma said "so Jack. Now that I have my own house I'm  throwing a party." Oh. Did I mention Emma moved out and got a house? "You can come because you are Liam's BFF. But I don't want Mia there. She's a party pooper."

     I was expecting Jack to defend me and turn down the invitation but instead, he said "yeah I'll be there. And your right. parties aren't Mia's thing." I was so mad. And I told jack I needed to have a word with him and he said "come on mia you know it's true. You never attend a single party. You're always studying. Your rich now. You have money. That's all you need." Huh. Was he for real? "So you think you can but anything with money," I said. Not even caring if I was making a scene. "All you rich kids think you're better than the rest cause you have more money. But get this. Poor people value things more than any of you rich brats ever could. To you, things have no value. All because you could just buy Another one. Well... Get this. There are things you can't buy with money" and then I stormed off.
     I ran outside and minutes later Liam came out and offered to drop me home "I don't care if they'll be mad at me. But you're right. I know what it feels to be poor. But I forgot everything about being poor until you insulted me when you first arrived. I'm sorry about the way they behaved I'll talk to them ok." I nodded and got into Liam's car. After he dropped me home I went straight to my room.
     I was starving but I was too angry to eat. And I just took a shower. It was really cold that night and I thought of going to the library since it was often warmer there. But then I realized Liam's test was on 2 days and I has to make him work harder if he was going to pass.

     I was in the library preparing simple notes for Liam when my phone rang. It was stupid Jack. I didn't answer the calls I didn't need to talk to him right now. But I knew who I did need to talk to. My dad. Well, my adoptive dad.

     I called him about nine times and he finally picked up

"Mia darling. How are you"

"I'm sort of fine"

"Sort of fine? Why? what happened?"

    I explained my situation and dad said "jack is probably just stressed give him some time. And remember mia. You must always believe in second chances. But you must be wise to those you give it to."

     Dad was amazing with advice. "Thanks, dad. And I'm arranging for you to come on my birthday in 2 months so be ready" and I hung up.

     After I was done with preparation for tomorrow I jumped onto my bed and was fast asleep.


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