Finale part III

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The sick smell of the gun was already dissolved in the air, but the moment it was fired the reality became more clearer than ever. Like a memory which is being relived, as a trauma the bullet dispatched from the holder of the gun and launched itself to it's recieiver. Maybe someone has slowed time or maybe it's all in one's head. Like those in movie scenes. The bullet sprinted and sliced the black crisp shirt on the shoulder of Nicholas. The drops of blood poured out slowly as Nicholas' face grew paler by every second. As if for the first time in his life he didn't knew something.

As a wise person said, "Ofcourse it's in one's head but why must that mean that it's not real?"

And then the lightening struck, "You bitch!" He screamed at her but one thing he forgot was that Agent Frost was known for speed more than her agility. Avery ducked his inner leg kick, grabbed his thigh and shot at the hook that was holding the bundle of Nylon rope. Freeing Jason and Dominic. she punched Nicholas on his right cheek knowing his reflex will force him to use his right hand, which will evoke more pain in his injured shoulder. Flabbergasted by the turn of events, he didn't see the elbow slide coming from his left. Executed perfectly by none other than Dominic.

That was quite a jab on his ribcage as Nicholas crouched on his knee, holding onto Avery's leg. "You think you're getting out after this?" He screamed as Avery struggled to free her leg. "Nope. You're dying today for good, so no I am not getting out of this before murdering you!!" After quite a few huffs she untangled herself from Nicholas' death grip and sprinted while shouting 'Leave from back door' to Jason and Dominic.

Since she was the one who almost passed a bullet down their boss' throat, she knew most of the guards will be behind her arse, trying to trap her and bring to their boss as dinner gift. The hostages can go to hell, first catch the betrayer. That's how their mind works and even if Nicholas told them to run behind them, still 60% of the guards will be behind me. All hungry for some kind of reward. And the bigger fish, the bigger reward.

Nicholas wanted her alive no matter what so the guards will not kill her. But that didn't gurantee that they won't try to sedate her, and from her experience in the past 3 months Xanax is her biggest enemy. More lethal to her body than Nicholas. So she had already consumed Flumazenil, a reversal agent for xanax and other opiates. That's why when one of the guards suddenly came in front of her and shot her with Xanax dosage, she felt dizzy for a second but didn't collapse.

"You wish it worked!" she winked at the guard, grabbed him by the collar using his body inertia hit him in the head with her knee and than in the stomach. She knew her house was big enough to distance all the guards but still it wouldn't take them long, so she had to do something that would stop them at once. Noticing she was in the living room of her home, she grabbed a heavy wooden table situated there and fixed her gun in between it. When the door unlocked, she ambushed the lot of the guards with her gun while the table helped her protect. Still a bullet scratched her left leg though.

Leaving the table at their heads, she ran from the living room and reached the garden. Mud! she thought as she collected the mud in spot and poured some water over it from the leaking tap nearby. She didn't wait there, she knew the group of 15 guards behind her would inevitably slip there and atleast break their jaws on the concrete pathway. On her way towards the staircase, she slipped on the second stair. Gosh what's wrong with me? Thank goodness Nicholas is in the basement or he would definitely catch up to me. It would take him 5 pair of staircase's to come up here, because the lift is stuck since one of the guards' head is in the runner.

As soon as she finished climbing the staircase, several pair of eyes were on her instantly. She just now loaded her gun again and now is the time to empty it. Again. She thought before jumping into action, sliding foot under one of the guards she pulled him towards herself and threw him off the staircase. Another guards started coming together as she weaved her way, rotating like Tarzen through the necks of two guards, she kicked the third on his face. About to run off, she didn't notice the guard beside her leg who clawed at the same place, the bullet scratched her leg earlier. Stumbling on the railing she hit on the guard's head with the back of her gun repeatedly.

Limping her way towards what she once called her bedroom, she hissed as more blood started to pour out of wound. She sat on the poor excuse of a bed and lifted her slax, the blackish dot that produced more blood was there staring at her. Suddenly someone grabbed her elbow and before she knew it, that guard's throat was slit. Falling down at her feet, the body slumped as she looked up to find a pair of chocolate brown iris' looking at her with.....regret?


I thought anger was supposed to be there....wait what is he doing here?

"Well your arrival is most opportune!" She sarcastly flipped him off and went towards the terrace. Aiden didn't have any choice nor any right to stop her. The least he could do was stop the men that were going after her. And at this point, even though she didn't said something he knew this is what she needed the most. Someone to be there so that she doesn't has to look behinf her every minute.

The terrace seemed blank as she reached except the 5"10' almost 6 foot silthoutte standing near the railing. "I was not wrong when I thought you were going to be hiding here. Somewhere to get your mind in grip and control the situation. Right?" Avery snickered as she walked towards him in a slow manner. "Believe me when I say hiding is the least important thing in my mind right now. That too from you? and here? Nah! I have better things to think about...Avery Victoria Rosewood." He winced as he turned around to look at her, and that small expression was enough for her.

"What you're baring your face to me now? After the world declaration of how skilled you are? How much you enjoy backstabbing me?" This time Nicholas lost it. Something that rarely happened and something that she wanted the most. "You know, the person I would expect the least to speak their mind at any given point would have been you, but at this second I am not so sure." This comment made him conscious about his outburst. And now he despeartely tried to bare his face as well.

"That's the reason I was baring my face all this time. You know I was never at the brink of falling in your plan. Yes I wavered but never so much that I would trust you again. But as soon as you said, how inconsiderate the colemans are and how I would never recieve any closure blah blah blah, sorry, I knew you were spying on me. You kidnapped Dominic and Jason before even talking to me, that proves some how you calculated your moves beforehand. Nicholas you blurbed all your masterstrokes yourself." She stood infront of him directly now, much closer than before.

"You were so busy making me feel at control and leisure that you slipped away your own control."

"But I won't now." He pushed her and then shot at her head. Avery dodged the bullets he was shooting at her by rolling on her stomach. She hid behind a beam in the wall as Nicholas kept shooting. Till a moment when he had to reload his gun. Avery took this chance as her own and shot at both of his legs. As he crumpled down she took the gun from his hand and then shot at both of his wrists. No leg and no arms now. "So full of yourself you are, aren't you? Well maybe there is a way to make you come down from your high pedastal. Shall we?"

Saying this she dragged his limped body now and neared the railings. A portion of the railing melt down as it was already burnt from inside. She hanged Nicholas from that gap with the help of a Nylon rope she stole from Aiden. "!! I destroy the ......ugh!! Cole-mans. That's---why....I d-i-d...I can...keep the blue pendr--ive...golden gun...plea--se .....leave me!!!" He stuttered as blood sprouted from his mouth at every word he spoke. But Avery understood each and every word he uttered from that sinful mouth of his. And she had a very clear answer for it.

Releasing the hold on the rope for 5 seconds she said mocking him, "N...ow th-ath you said it....I think I can consider it.....after your death" She whispered the last part and released the hold on the rope fully.

And there went Nicholas Silas tumbling down the 28 feet bunglow.


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