past is reappearing

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This word just got stuck in my head. Why would anyone leave a perfect life such as a princess'?

She left the Cartel just after 5 months of your disappearance.

Why? Why would Diana leave the Cartel? This question has been on my mind, ever since I saw Mitchell. Diana Aedile, what are you planning?

Kidnapping me with the help of the Morgan family, then again striking me again just the very next day. That too relying on such amateur non-trained men, huh! Is she really trying to abduct me or is it just a method to keep me hooked and distracted?

Is she laying some other trap under my nose? Or something else...

No, no no no. I am thinking too much.
Avery, what are you getting yourself into? Didn't you say that you will lead a normal life, then what is it?

But, this time it's different. It's different because it has hit too close to my home. Beacuse this time my past is in front of me, once again. Because my present is fading away.

I defended myself from the rational side of my brain. I was too tired for this argument. It's been 2 days since I had taken my leave from the Coleman's house. I was reluctantly thankful to them, but also partially suspicious.

I knew about Diana's activities after the first attack, but then also I had my own doubts about them. It just clocked me everytime I was in the same vicinity as them. I just felt that something is missing, like something is hidden, that I should know but I can't. Anyways, it late anyways. I should retire myself to bed now.


Friday, 5th September, 2018. Officially the worst day of my life. Usually, it would have been normal for me but some incidents keep happening in my lifespan that just made it impossible for me to breathe like a human being.

A person has many things to do. They are not free to listen to certain people's irrelevant beliefs and thoughts. I know every one has a right to express their views and that we should respect it, but sometimes it just becomes too much.

You should always know, when to shut your mouth. If no one asks your opinion, then do not bother to tell. Even if you think it's better for them, don't. Simply don't. And by my experience, I have seem that quite a lot amount of people have difficulty to understand this.

"Dragă Avery,
Cuvântul meu preferat este inevitabil pentru că înseamnă ceva care trebuie să se întâmple. Nimic nu o poate împiedica să se întâmple. Și suferința ta este inevitabilă.
                                            De la:- Ştii cine"

'Dear Avery,
My favorite word is inevitable because it means something that has to happen. Nothing can stop it from happening.
And your suffering is inevitable.
                               From:- You know who.'

As much happy as I am that the messages started coming via texts, it also worries how she has gotten the hold of my number.If this continues, then it won't be much time before she comes for my own life.

And that is how my day started to smell like a sewage tank. It just needs one car horn, one person talking loudly in the metro and one such life threatening letter to ruin a British girl's whole day.

On the above of this whole 'past life/present drama' something more weird also took place. No, you won't get a break neither am I. Life is just unfair like that.

I saw a man getting out of the factory you went in. Most probably a junker.

Who was it? Did you see the face?

No, I didn't but looks like he was giving information to someone about the scene. I also spotted him near the bodies of Seth and Gilbert.

A cleaner. He was not a junker but a cleaner. (He must be there to collect data and clean out anything related to his heads.) Find out about this man and also about the people he works for.

Is there anything else you do not have on your plate, Avery? A cleaner. For now, that I have been receiving gifts from my past, is it necessary that everything should be like that. Have I timetravelled or is it just my old life reappearing in front of my face?

I may not be an ideal student but I do care about my studies. And let me tell you I do not like to skip University but here I am. Making various conclusions on how to handle this situation and thinking about what possibly could be more worse than this?

Should I reply? But wouldn't that just confirm that this is really my new number?

If she wasn't confirmed about it, she would not have contacted me.

But I have seen it already. If I ignore it now, won't that would lead to another episode me getting kidnapped?

If I reply to it, she would think that I still care about her. That I am still not over my past.

Is that cleaner working for her? Maybe she sent him over to check if there is any contact evidence left of her and The Morgans?

If she did, than the cleaner could have gotten his news update after seeing Seth dead. What was the need of getting to the factory? Just extra work for free?

Than who could it be? Was there any other person?

Yes there were. The Colemans. They were also there. Have I forgotten that?

But I have nothing against them. It's just a hunch that there is something weird about them. I can't accuse them of something just based upon my hunch. I shouldn't forget that they kind of helped me in my unconscious state. Weird or not, that would be just inappropriate to speculate something like that.

Weird. But that is something I should agree on.

My mind was filled with these types of doubts. There has to be something that I am missing. Along with the mess my life already is, there is something that is just not making any sense.

What is that specific thing? Why did Ruby was abducted along with me if I was the main victim? Was that vehicle exchange just a coincidence?

What is the connection between me and the Colemans?
Junker: A person who works for no one. They just hang around in alley ways and when they see any thing taking place, they just wait for the storm to pass. Then they go and take whatever they want, ammunations,money etc..and leave before anyone can see them.

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